Bharat Mehta

Showing 16 publications


Role of Cr in Mn-rich precipitates for Al–Mn–Cr–Zr-based alloys tailored for additive manufacturing

Bharat Mehta, Karin Frisk, Lars Nyborg
Calphad: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry. Vol. 84
Journal article

Corrosion resistance of additively manufactured aluminium alloys for marine applications

Clara Linder, Bharat Mehta, Salil Sainis et al
npj Materials Degradation. Vol. 8 (1)
Journal article

Novel Aluminum Alloy Tailored for Additive Manufacturing: Structural Characterization and Qualification Perspectives

Maurizio Arena, Bharat Mehta, Tommaso Tirelli et al
Applied Sciences. Vol. 14 (11)
Journal article

In situ imaging of precipitate formation in additively manufactured al-alloys by scanning X-ray fluorescence

Isac Lazar, Bharat Mehta, Vendulka Bertschová et al
European Journal of Materials. Vol. 4 (1)
Journal article

Advancing novel Al-Mn-Cr-Zr based family of alloys tailored for powder bed fusion-laser beam process

Bharat Mehta, Karin Frisk, Lars Nyborg
Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Vol. 967
Journal article

Microstructure, mechanical properties and fracture mechanisms in a 7017 aluminium alloy tailored for powder bed fusion – laser beam

Bharat Mehta, T. Mishurova, S. Evsevleev et al
Materials and Design. Vol. 226
Journal article

Al–Mn–Cr–Zr-based alloys tailored for powder bed fusion-laser beam process: Alloy design, printability, resulting microstructure and alloy properties

Bharat Mehta, Lars Nyborg, Karin Frisk et al
Journal of Materials Research. Vol. 37 (6), p. 1256-1268
Journal article

Thermal Stability In Al-Mn-Cr-Zr Based Aluminium Alloys Tailored For Powder Bed Fusion - Laser Beam

Bharat Mehta, Karin Frisk, Lars Nyborg et al
World PM 2022 Congress Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

New Aluminium Alloy Tailored For Powder Bed Fusion - Laser Beam Process

S. Bengtsson, Bharat Mehta, Karin Frisk et al
World PM 2022 Congress Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

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