Roeland Bisschop

Showing 4 publications


Residual stresses in thermite welded rails: significance of additional forging

Lennart Josefson, Roeland Bisschop, M. Messaadi et al
Rivista Italiana della Saldatura. Vol. 73 (4), p. 465-491
Journal article

Ramie fabric EliumĀ® composites with flame retardant coating: Flammability, smoke, viscoelastic and mechanical properties

Pooria Khalili, Brina Blinzler, Roland Kádár et al
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. Vol. 137
Journal article

Residual stresses in thermite welded rails: significance of additional forging

Lennart Josefson, Roeland Bisschop, M. Messaadi et al
Welding in the World, Le Soudage Dans Le Monde. Vol. 64 (7), p. 1195-1212
Journal article

Flammability, Smoke, Mechanical Behaviours and Morphology of Flame Retarded Natural Fibre/EliumĀ® Composite

Pooria Khalili, Brina Blinzler, Roland Kádár et al
Materials. Vol. 12 (17), p. 2648-
Journal article

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