Daniel Cederman

Showing 31 publications


Efficient Data Streaming Multiway Aggregation through Concurrent Algorithmic Designs and New Abstract Data Types

Vincenzo Massimiliano Gulisano, Ioannis Nikolakopoulos, Daniel Cederman et al
ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing. Vol. 4 (2)
Journal article

Lock-Free Concurrent Data Structures

Daniel Cederman, A. Gidenstam, P. Ha et al
Programming multi-core and many-core computing systems, p. 29-58
Book chapter

Data structures for task-based priority scheduling

M. Wimmer, F. Versaci, J.L. Träff et al
SIGPLAN Notices (ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages). Vol. 49 (8), p. 379-380
Paper in proceeding

Data structures for task-based priority scheduling

Martin Wimmer, Francesco Versaci, Jesper Larsson Träff et al
ACM SIGPLAN Notices. Vol. 49 (8), p. 379-380
Journal article

Brief announcement: Concurrent data structures for efficient streaming aggregation

Daniel Cederman, Vincenzo Massimiliano Gulisano, Ioannis Nikolakopoulos et al
Annual ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, p. 76-78
Paper in proceeding

A Study of the Behavior of Synchronization Methods in Commonly Used Languages and Systems

Daniel Cederman, Bapi Chatterjee, Dang Nhan Nguyen et al
Proceedings of the 27th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, p. 1309-1320
Paper in proceeding

Concurrent Data Structures for Efficient Streaming Aggregation

Daniel Cederman, Vincenzo Massimiliano Gulisano, Ioannis Nikolakopoulos et al

Configurable Strategies for Work-stealing

Martin Wimmer, Daniel Cederman, Jesper Larsson Träff et al

Supporting Lock-Free Composition of Concurrent Data Objects: Moving Data Between Containers

Daniel Cederman, Philippas Tsigas
IEEE Transactions on Computers. Vol. 62 (9), p. 1866-1878
Journal article

Lock-free Concurrent Data Structures

Daniel Cederman, Anders Gidenstam, Phuong Ha et al

Algorithms and Data Handling Towards Adaptive and Robust Electricity Networks

Magnus Almgren, Daniel Cederman, Zhang Fu et al
Chalmers Energy Conference 2013
Conference poster

Work-stealing with Configurable Scheduling Strategies

Martin Wimmer, J.L. Träff, Daniel Cederman et al
ACMSIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming. Vol. 48 (8), p. 315-316
Paper in proceeding

Understanding the Performance of Concurrent Data Structures on Graphics Processors

Daniel Cederman, Bapi Chatterjee, Philippas Tsigas
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 7484 LNCS, p. 883-894
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic Load Balancing using Work-Stealing

Daniel Cederman, Philippas Tsigas
GPU Computing Gems Jade Edition, p. 485-499
Book chapter

Supporting Lock-Free Composition of Concurrent Data Objects

Daniel Cederman, Philippas Tsigas
Proceedings of the 7th ACM conference on Computing frontiers, p. 53-62
Paper in proceeding

Supporting Lock-Free Composition of Concurrent Data Objects

Daniel Cederman, Philippas Tsigas
Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of parallel programming, p. 339-340
Paper in proceeding

Towards a Software Transactional Memory for Graphics Processors

Daniel Cederman, Philippas Tsigas, Muhammad Tayyab Chaudhry
Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2010
Paper in proceeding

Supporting Lock-Free Composition of Concurrent Data Objects

Daniel Cederman, Philippas Tsigas
SIGPLAN Notices (ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages). Vol. 45 (5), p. 339-340
Magazine article

A* Algorithm for Graphics Processors

Rafia Inam, Daniel Cederman, Philippas Tsigas
MCC10 Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Supporting Lock-Free Composition of Concurrent Data Objects

Daniel Cederman, Philippas Tsigas
MCC10 Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

Supporting Lock-Free Composition of Concurrent Data Objects

Daniel Cederman, Philippas Tsigas

GPU-Quicksort: A practical Quicksort algorithm for graphics processors

Daniel Cederman, Philippas Tsigas
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics. Vol. 14 (4)
Journal article

Towards a Software Transactional Memory for CUDA

Daniel Cederman, Muhammad Tayyab Chaudhry, Philippas Tsigas
MCC09 Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

On Sorting and Load-Balancing on GPUs

Daniel Cederman, Philippas Tsigas
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News. Vol. 36 (5)
Journal article

On Sorting and Load-Balancing on GPUs

Daniel Cederman, Philippas Tsigas
Proceedings of the 1st Swedish Workshop on Multi-Core Computing
Paper in proceeding

A Practical Quicksort Algorithm for Graphics Processors

Daniel Cederman, Philippas Tsigas
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 5193, p. 246-258
Paper in proceeding

A Practical Quicksort Algorithm for Graphics Processors

Daniel Cederman, Philippas Tsigas

On Dynamic Load Balancing on Graphics Processors

Daniel Cederman, Philippas Tsigas
Proceedings of the 23rd SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Conference on Graphics Hardware. Vol. 2008, p. 57-64
Paper in proceeding

Wait-Free Queue Algorithms for the Real-time Java Specification

Philippas Tsigas, Yi Zhang, Daniel Cederman et al
IEEE Real Time Technology and Applications Symposium 2006, p. 373-383
Paper in proceeding

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