Carla Regina Vitolo Coelho

Showing 9 publications


Fish beyond fillets: Life cycle assessment of cross-processing herring and lingonberry co-products into a food product

Carla Regina Vitolo Coelho, Gregory Peters, Jingnan Zhang et al
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 188
Journal article

A comparative life cycle assessment of cross-processing herring side streams with fruit pomace or seaweed into a stable food protein ingredient

Carla Regina Vitolo Coelho, Gregory Peters, Jingnan Zhang et al
Future Foods. Vol. 6
Journal article

Moving beyond land use intensity types: assessing biodiversity impacts using fuzzy thinking

Jan Paul Lindner, Ulrika Eberle, Eva Knuepffer et al
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 26 (7), p. 1338-1356
Journal article

Methods to simplify diet and food life cycle inventories: Accuracy versus data-collection resources

Franck Pernollet, Carla Regina Vitolo Coelho, Hayo M. G. van der Werf
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 140, p. 410-420
Journal article

Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Diets with Improved Omega-3 Fatty Acid Profiles

Carla Regina Vitolo Coelho, Franck Pernollet, Hayo M. G. van der Werf
PLoS ONE. Vol. 11 (8)
Journal article

Land use impacts on biodiversity from kiwifruit production in New Zealand assessed with global and national datasets

Carla Regina Vitolo Coelho, Ottar Michelsen
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 19 (2), p. 285-296
Journal article

A comparison of three methods to assess land use impacts on biodiversity in a case study of forestry plantations in New Zealand

Ottar Michelsen, James McDevitt, Carla Regina Vitolo Coelho
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 19 (6), p. 1214-1225
Journal article

Rethinking a product and its function using LCA - Experiences of New Zealand manufacturing companies

Carla Regina Vitolo Coelho, Sarah McLaren
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. Vol. 18 (4), p. 872-880
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Towards a new generation sustainable seafood products–a cross-process approach (CROSS)

Ingrid Undeland Food and Nutrition Science
Mehdi Abdollahi Food and Nutrition Science
Romain Bordes Applied Chemistry
Jingnan Zhang Food and Nutrition Science
Gregory Peters Environmental Systems Analysis
Carla Regina Vitolo Coelho Environmental Systems Analysis
Marie Alminger Food and Nutrition Science
Anna Ström Applied Chemistry

13 publications exist
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