David Sandberg

Showing 15 publications


The impact of sleepiness on lane positioning in truck driving

David Sandberg, Mattias Wahde, Anna Anund et al
Driver Distraction and Inattention: Advances in Research and Countermeasures. Vol. 1, p. 405-416
Book chapter

The performance of driver sleepiness indicators as a function of interval length

David Sandberg
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC (ITSC 2011; Washington, DC; 5 October 2011 through 7 October 2011) (Article number 6082939), p. 1735-1740
Paper in proceeding

The Characteristics of Sleepiness During Real Driving at Night - A Study of Driving Performance, Physiology and Subjective Experience

David Sandberg, A. Anund, C. Fors et al
Sleep. Vol. 34 (10), p. 1317-1325
Journal article

Detecting driver sleeepiness using optimized non-linear combinations of sleepiness indicators

David Sandberg, Torbjörn Åkerstedt, Göran Kecklund et al
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 12 (1), p. 97-108
Journal article

Detecting Driver Sleepiness

David Sandberg
Doctoral thesis

Reliable Long-Term Navigation in Indoor Environments

Mattias Wahde, David Sandberg, Krister Wolff
Recent Advances in Mobile Robotics, p. 26-
Book chapter

Reaction of sleepiness indicators to partial sleep deprivation, time of day and time on task in a driving simulator - the DROWSI project

T. Åkerstedt, M. Ingre, G. Kecklund et al
Journal of Sleep Research. Vol. 19 (2), p. 298-309
Journal article

Sleepiness and prediction of driver impairment in simulator studies using a Cox proportional hazard approach

A. Vadeby, Å. Forsman, G. Kecklund et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 42 (3), p. 835-841
Journal article

A robot localization method based on laser scan matching

David Sandberg, Krister Wolff, Mattias Wahde
Lecture notes in computer science - advances in robotics. Vol. 5744, p. 171-178
Paper in proceeding

An algorithm for sensory area coverage by mobile robots operating in complex arenas

Mattias Wahde, David Sandberg
Lecture notes in computer science - advances in robotics. Vol. 5744, p. 179-187
Paper in proceeding

Particle swarm optimization of feedforward neural networks for the detection of drowsy driving

David Sandberg, Mattias Wahde
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Hong Kong. Vol. June 2008, p. 789-794
Paper in proceeding

Evolutionary optimization of a bipedal gait in a physical robot

Krister Wolff, David Sandberg, Mattias Wahde
Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation, (CEC'08), Hong Kong., p. 440-445
Paper in proceeding

Drowsiness indicators based on spectral analysis of lane position data

David Sandberg, Mattias Wahde
Proceedings of the 2nd Sensation International Conference and exhibition, Chania, Greece. Vol. July 2007
Paper in proceeding

Behavioral selection in domestic assistance robots: A comparison of different methods for optimization of utility functions

Jimmy Pettersson, David Sandberg, Krister Wolff et al
Proc. of the 2006 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2006), Taipei, Taiwan, p. 4904-4909
Paper in proceeding

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