Charlie Orlenius
Showing 79 publications
OTA device sensitivity in the presence of interference measured in a reverberation chamber
A new compact wideband MIMO antenna – the double-sided tapered self-grounded monopole array
On the Use of Reverberation Chambers for Assessment of MIMO OTA Performance of Wireless Devices
Measuring 4x4 MIMO capability in a reverberation chamber
The Double-sided 4-port Bow-tie Antenna: A New Compact Wideband MIMO Antenna
The Bluetest story: the 12 years from a crazy idea to commercial success
LTE MIMO multiplexing performance measured in reverberation chamber and accurate simple theory
Self-grounded Antenna Arrangement
OTA Testing in Multipath of Antennas and Wireless Devices With MIMO and OFDM
Analysis of MIMO OTA measurements for LTE terminals performed in reverberation chamber
Evaluation of multi element antennas in reverberation chamber
Measurements of RFID Tag Sensitivity in Reverberation Chamber
Verifying 4G MIMO Devices with Realistic User Experience Measurements in Reverberation Test System
LTE MIMO throughput measurement method for characterization of multi-antenna terminal performance
State-of-the-art measurements of LTE terminal antenna performance using reverberation chamber
Embracing complexity: MIMO Over-the-Air testing with the reverberation chamber
Active MIMO performance measurements in connected reverberation chambers
MIMO Over-The-Air testing of wireless units in reverberation chamber
Measuring Performance of 3GPP LTE Terminals and Small Base Stations in Reverberation Chambers
Measuring Relative Receiver Sensitivity of Wireless Terminals in One Minute in Reverberation Chamber
WLAN MIMO throughput test in reverberation chamber
Three Fast Ways of Measuring Receiver Sensitivity in a Reverberation Chamber
In Situ Measurement of UHF Wearable Antenna Radiation Efficiency Using a Reverberation Chamber
Wi-Fi full-system test method in a reverberation chamber
WLAN MIMO full-system characterization in reverberation chamber
Optimizing the Bit Rate in Mobile Broadband Systems Using Measurements in a Reverberation Chamber
Measurements of total radiated power of UMTS phones in reverberation chamber
Comparison of different loading configurations and numerical models of reverberation chambers
Very fast measurements of effective polarization diversity gain in a reverberation chamber
Numerical study of different loading configurations and stirring methods of reverberation chambers
Realized diversity gain of active DECT phones in talk position measured in reverberation chamber
Evaluation of MIMO arrays using antenna patterns, reverberation chamber, and channel measurements
Investigation of heavily loaded reverberation chamber for testing of wideband wireless units
Design and evaluation of a compact antenna array for MIMO applications
Optimizing the Bit Rate in Mobile Broadband Systems Using Measurements in a Reverberation Chamber
Comparison of efficiency measurement methods for small antennas
Characterization of mobile terminals in Rayleigh fading by using reverberation chamber
Studies of measurements in heavily loaded reverberation chambers
of measurements in heavily loaded reverberation chambers
Calculated and measured absorption cross sections of lossy objects in reverberation chamber
A solid hand phantom for mobile phones and results of measurements in reverberation chamber
Diversity gain of active DECT phones with two built-in antennas measured in reverberation chamber
Bluetooth measurements in a reverberation chamber
Improved procedure for measuring efficiency of small antennas in reverberation chambers
Measuring receiver sensitivity of mobile phones in reverberation chambers
Accuracy of radiation efficiency measurements in a reverberation chamber
Measuring output power of Bluetooth devices in a reverberation chamber
Measurements of Radiated Power and Radiated Receiver Sensitivity in Reverberation Chambers
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