Eric Landström Voortman
Eric Voortman Landström is a PhD student at the division of Dynamics since 2020. His project is a part of CHARMEC and the main research concerns the tread braking system of trains. The goals of the project are to determine safe and maintenance efficient limits of the system via both numerical simulations and experimental testing.
Showing 5 publications
Analysis and testing of tread braked railway wheel — Effects of hot spots on wheel performance
Improved Finite Element Modelling of Tread Braked Wheel Performance Verified by Brake Rig Tests
Thermomechanical testing and modelling of railway wheel steel
Improved modelling of tread braked wheels using an advanced material model
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Showing 3 research projects
A holistic model of wheel tread life
Driving research and innovation to push Europe's rail system forward (IN2TRACK3)
Tread braking – capacity, wear and life (CHARMEC SD11)