Siw Eriksson

Doctoral Student at Design & Human Factors

Siw is a Ph.D. candidate. Her specific interest concerns to how to facilitate inter/multidisciplinary collaborations, especially how users can be facilitated to participate in product development processes of technical medical devices, using Co-design methods. A central theme in her research concerns how users' specific knowledge of their needs and requirements can be elicited my means of product representations, functioning as mediating tools among the diverse disciplines in Co-design collaborations.

She also possesses long industrial experience from, inter alia, automotive industry as project manager involved in international R&D projects, at both R&D Engineering and Design departments.

Image of Siw Eriksson

Showing 13 publications


Co-creation With and For AI: The Case of Mental Well-Being AI Companion

Bijan Aryana, Siw Eriksson
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Design4Health. Vol. 1, p. 39-44
Paper in proceeding


Siw Eriksson, Pontus Wallgren, Marianne Karlsson
Proceedings of the Design Society. Vol. 3, p. 3095-3104
Paper in proceeding

Development of a stakeholder identification and analysis method for human factors integration in work system design interventions – Change Agent Infrastructure

Cecilia Berlin, Lars-Ola Bligård, Maral Babapour Chafi et al
Human Factors and Ergonomics In Manufacturing. Vol. 32 (1), p. 151-170
Journal article

How to make advanced online user studies meaningful

Pontus Wallgren, Maral Babapour Chafi, Siw Eriksson
Proceedings of the Design Society. Vol. 1, p. 1787-1796
Paper in proceeding

Genuine co-design: an activity theory analysis involving emergency nurses in an interdisciplinary new product development project of a novel medical device

Siw Eriksson, Pontus Wallgren, Leif Sandsjö et al
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics. Vol. 8 (4), p. 331-369
Journal article

Facilitating Users and Designers Towards a Shift of Perspective for True Participation in Co-creation in Health Care: A Holistic Activity Theoretical Approach

Siw Eriksson, Pontus Wallgren, Marianne Karlsson
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Design4Health, Amsterdam, 2020. Vol. 1, p. 177-184
Paper in proceeding

Product representations as mediating tools in the development of new medical technology

Siw Eriksson, Leif Sandsjö, MariAnne Karlsson
Other conference contribution

Three-dimensional Fabrics as Medical Textiles

Siw Eriksson, Leif Sandsjö
Advances in 3D Textiles: A volume in Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles , p. 305-340
Book chapter

Facilitating user involvement in textile development

Siw Eriksson, Leif Sandsjö, MariAnne Karlsson
Proceeding of 2nd International Congress On Healthcare And Medical Textiles. Izmir, Turkey
Paper in proceeding

3D Weaving Technique Applied in Long Term Monitoring of Brain Activity

Siw Eriksson, Leif Sandsjö, Li Guo et al
Proceedings of The 4th World Conference on 3D Fabrics and Their Applications.
Paper in proceeding

Three-dimensional multilayer fabric structures for interactive textiles

Siw Eriksson, L. Berglin, Emanuel Gunnarsson et al
3rd World Conference on 3D Fabrics and Their Applications; Wuhan; China; 20 April 2011 through 21 April 2011, p. 63-67
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 2 research projects


Making AI Companions Responsible

Bijan Aryana Design & Human Factors
Siw Eriksson Design & Human Factors

1 publication exists

FAD- Facilitating User Studies at a Distance

Pontus Wallgren Design and Human Factors
Siw Eriksson Design and Human Factors

1 publication exists
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