Elin Fahrman

Showing 4 publications


Efficient heat integration of industrial CO2 capture and district heating supply

Åsa Eliasson, Elin Fahrman, Max Biermann et al
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. Vol. 118
Journal article

Integration of Industrial CO2 Capture with Industrial District Heating Networks: A Refinery Case Study

Åsa Eliasson, Elin Fahrman, Max Biermann et al
Short Papers from the 11th International Trondheim CCS Conference, p. 197-201
Paper in proceeding

Integrating CO2 Absorption to a Batch-wise Production Process – A Case Study on a Smelter Plant in Northern Sweden

Elin Fahrman, Fredrik Normann, Simon Harvey et al
Short Papers from the 11th International Trondheim CCS Conference, p. 120-126
Paper in proceeding

Efficient utilization of industrial excess heat for carbon capture and district heating

Max Biermann, Åsa Eliasson, Elin Fahrman et al
Other conference contribution

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