Fredrik Currie

Showing 14 publications


Enhanced bone healing around nanohydroxyapatite-coated polyetheretherketone implants: An experimental study in rabbit bone

Sargon Barkarmo, Martin Andersson, Fredrik Currie et al
Journal of Biomaterials Applications. Vol. 29 (5), p. 737-747
Journal article

Formation of Bone-like Nanocrystalline Apatite Using Self-Assembled Liquid Crystals

Wenxiao He, Per Kjellin, Fredrik Currie et al
Chemistry of Materials. Vol. 24 (5), p. 892-902
Journal article

Laminin Coating Promotes Calcium Phosphate Precipitation on Titanium Discs in vitro.

Kostas Bougas, Victoria Franke Stenport, Pentti Tengvall et al
Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Research. Vol. 2 (4), p. e5-
Journal article

In vitro Evaluation of Calcium Phosphate Precipitation on Possibly Bioactive Titanium Surfaces in the Presence of Laminin.

Kostas Bougas, Victoria Franke Stenport, Fredrik Currie et al
Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Research. Vol. 2 (3), p. e3-
Journal article

Nucleation and growth of calcium phosphates in the presence of fibrinogen on titanium implants with four potentially bioactive surface preparations. An in vitro study.

Anna Arvidsson, Fredrik Currie, Per Kjellin et al
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. Vol. 20 (9), p. 1869-1879
Journal article

An in vitro comparison of possibly bioactive titanium implant surfaces.

Anna Göransson, Anna Arvidsson, Fredrik Currie et al
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. Vol. 88 (4), p. 1037-1047
Journal article

The effect of chemical and nano topographical modifications on early stage of osseointegration

Luiz Meirelles, Fredrik Currie, C. M. Jacobsson et al
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants. Vol. 23 (4), p. 641-7
Journal article

Bone reaction to nano hydroxyapatite modified titanium implants placed in a gap-healing model

Luiz Meirelles, Tomas Albrektsson, Per Kjellin et al
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A. Vol. 87 (3), p. 624-631
Journal article

Effect of hydroxyapatite and titania nanostructures on early in vivo bone response

Luiz Meirelles, Lory Melin Svanborg, Timo Peltola et al
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research. Vol. 10 (4), p. 245-254
Journal article

Precipitation of calcium phosphate in the presence of albumin on titanium implants with four different possibly bioactive surface preparations. An in vitro study

Victoria Franke Stenport, Per Kjellin, Fredrik Currie et al
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. Vol. 19 (12), p. 3497-3505
Journal article

Micellar Induced Regioselectivity in the Two-Step Consecutive Reaction of SO32- with Br-(CH2CH2)n-Br (n=2-5)

Fredrik Currie, Patrik Jarvoll Dae, Krister Holmberg et al
J Colloid Interface Sci. Vol. 312, p. 453-459
Journal article

Oxidation of self-organized nonionic surfactants

Fredrik Currie, Martin Andersson, Krister Holmberg
Langmuir. Vol. 20, p. 3835-
Journal article

Organic reactions in self-organized surfactant systems

Fredrik Currie
Doctoral thesis

A nucleophilic substitution reaction in microemulsions based on either an alcohol ethoxylate or a sugar surfactant

Maria Häger, Fredrik Currie, Krister Holmberg
Colloids Surfaces A. Vol. 250, p. 163-
Journal article

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