Helen Lindqvist

Showing 14 publications


Dietary biomarkers and food records indicate compliance to study diets in the ADIRA (Anti-inflammatory Diet In Rheumatoid Arthritis) trial

Anna Turesson Wadell, Linnea Bärebring, Erik Hulander et al
Frontiers in Nutrition. Vol. 10
Journal article

Identification of Single and Combined Serum Metabolites Associated with Food Intake

Therese Karlsson, Anna Winkvist, Millie Rådjursöga et al
Metabolites. Vol. 12 (10)
Journal article

Herring and chicken/pork meals lead to differences in plasma levels of TCA intermediates and arginine metabolites in overweight and obese men and women.

ANDREW VINCENT, Otto Savolainen, Partho Sen et al
Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. Vol. 61 (3), p. Art no UNSP 1600400-
Journal article

Efficacy of fish intake on vitamin D status: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

U. Lehmann, H. R. Gjessing, F. Hirche et al
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol. 102 (4), p. 837-847
Journal article

Vitamin B12 as a potential compliance marker for fish intake

Nathalie Scheers, Helen Lindqvist, Anna-Maria Langkilde et al
European Journal of Nutrition. Vol. 53 (6), p. 1327-1333
Journal article

Plasma phospholipid EPA and DHA in relation to atherosclerosis in 61-year-old men

Helen Lindqvist, Ann-Sofie Sandberg, Björn Fagerberg et al
Atherosclerosis. Vol. 205 (2), p. 574-578
Journal article

Herring (Clupea harengus) intake influences lipoproteins but not inflammatory and oxidation markers in overweight men

Helen Lindqvist, Anna Maria Langkilde, Ingrid Undeland et al
British Journal of Nutrition. Vol. 101 (3), p. 383-90
Journal article

Protein profiling of low-density lipoprotein from obese subjects

H. Karlsson, H. Mortstedt, Helen Lindqvist et al
Proteomics - Clinical Applications. Vol. 3 (6), p. 663-671
Journal article

Seafood and health-the full story

Ingrid Undeland, Helen Lindqvist, Yun Chen et al
Marine Functional Foods, p. 174-
Book chapter

Influence of herring (Clupea harengus) and herring fractions on metabolic status in rats fed a high energy diet.

Helen Lindqvist, Ann-Sofie Sandberg, Ingrid Undeland et al
Acta Physiologica. Vol. 196 (3), p. 303-14
Journal article

Seafood and health: What is the full story?

Ingrid Undeland, Helen Lindqvist, Yun Chen-Yun et al
Marine Functional Food, p. 17-87
Book chapter

Herring (Clupea harengus) supplemented diet influence risk factors for CVD in overweight subjects

Helen Lindqvist, Anna-Maria Langkilde, Ingrid Undeland et al
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol. 61 (9), p. 1106-1113
Journal article

Characterization of Apolipoprotein M Isoforms in Low-Density Lipoprotein

Helen Karlsson, Helen Lindqvist, Christer Tagesson et al
Journal of Proteome Research. Vol. 5 (10), p. 2685-2690
Journal article

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