Elin Stark

Doctoral Student at Design & Human Factors
Image of Elin Stark

Showing 7 publications


Universal Crisis Information Design: A Multi-Case Study

Bijan Aryana, Anna-Lisa Osvalder, Elin Stark
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. Vol. 320, p. 74-81
Paper in proceeding

Civil beredskap, krisberedskap och resursfördelning - En kunskapsöversikt om inkludering och mångfald

Elin Stark, Anna-Lisa Osvalder, Jonas Borell
Report - Design and Human Factors

Involving People with Disabilities in Crisis Management Research

Anna-Lisa Osvalder, Elin Stark
Other conference contribution

Improving Crisis Communication for People with Complex Communication Needs

Elin Stark, Anna-Lisa Osvalder
Other conference contribution

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Showing 1 research projects


User participation in crisis and contingency work: From passive recipient to active resource

Anna-Lisa Osvalder Design & Human Factors
Bijan Aryana Design & Human Factors
Elin Vinblad Design & Human Factors
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency

10 publications exist
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