Hao Wang
Hao Wang focuses his research on computer vision and its application in automation and robotics. The goal is to identify and develop more robust and user-friendly tools and methods to enable better robotic automation solutions toward flexible assembly and improve the sustainability, resilience, and human-centricity of production systems.

Showing 7 publications
A systematic literature review of computer vision applications in robotized wire harness assembly
Challenges and opportunities to advance manufacturing research for sustainable battery life cycles
Battery Production Systems: State of the Art and Future Developments
Deep Learning-Based Connector Detection for Robotized Assembly of Automotive Wire Harnesses
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Showing 6 research projects
Code Agents: AI-powered end-to-endsolutions for flexible manufacturing
PLENary multi-User developMent arena for industrial workspaces (PLENUM)
STAND4EU – Boosting the Exploitation of Standardisation Inputs from European Projects
EWASS Empowering Human Workers for Assembly of Wire Harnesses
Digital work Instructions for cognitive work - DIGITALIS
A Pan‐European Network of Robotics DIHs for Agile Production (DIH2)