Hassan Hemida
Showing 24 publications
LES study of the influence of the nose shape and yaw angles on flow structures around trains
Transient Simulation of the Aerodynamic Response of a Double-Deck Bus in Gusty Winds
DES of the Flow Around a High Speed Train under the Influence of Wind Gusts
Transient Simulation of the Aerodynamic Response of a Double-Deck Bus in Gusty Winds
Numerical Simulations of Flows around Trains and Buses in Cross Winds
LES study of the influence of the vortex generators on cooling of surface-mounted cubes
LES Study of the Influence of the Vortex Generators on Cooling of Surface-Mounted Cubes
DES of the Flow Around a Realistic Bus Model Subjected to a Side Wind with 30 Degree Yaw Angle
Parallel CFD Computations of Cross-Wind Stability on an ICE2 Train
Numerical Study of the Unsteady Flow Structures Around Train-Shaped Body Subjected to Side Winds
Exploring the Flow Around a Generic High-Speed Train Under the Influence of Side Winds Using LES
Steady-State Heat Transfer in Axi-Symmetric Induction Machines-Part I: Finite Element Formulation
Theoretical analysis of heat transfer in a laminar pulsating flow
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