Linnea Hesslow

Showing 18 publications


Spatiotemporal analysis of the runaway distribution function from synchrotron images in an ASDEX Upgrade disruption

Mathias Hoppe, Linnea Hesslow, Ola Embréus et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 87 (1)
Journal article

Effect of plasma elongation on current dynamics during tokamak disruptions

Tünde Fülöp, Per Helander, Oskar Vallhagen et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 86 (1)
Journal article

Runaway dynamics in the DT phase of ITER operations in the presence of massive material injection

Oskar Vallhagen, Ola Embréus, Istvan Pusztai et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 86 (4)
Journal article

MHD stability and disruptions in the SPARC tokamak

R. Sweeney, A. J. Creely, J. Doody et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 86 (5)
Journal article

Kinetic modelling of runaway electron generation in argon-induced disruptions in ASDEX Upgrade

Klara Insulander Björk, G. Papp, Ola Embréus et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 86 (4)
Journal article

Evaluation of the Dreicer runaway generation rate in the presence of high-impurities using a neural network

Linnea Hesslow, Lucas Unnerfelt, Oskar Vallhagen et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 85 (6)
Journal article

Influence of massive material injection on avalanche runaway generation during tokamak disruptions

Linnea Hesslow, Ola Embréus, Oskar Vallhagen et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 59 (8)
Journal article

Generalized collision operator for fast electrons interacting with partially ionized impurities

Linnea Hesslow, Ola Embréus, Mathias Hoppe et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 84 (6)
Journal article

Dynamics of positrons during relativistic electron runaway

Ola Embréus, Linnea Hesslow, Mathias Hoppe et al
Journal of Plasma Physics. Vol. 84 (5), p. 905840506-
Journal article

Dynamics of positrons during relativistic electron runaway

Ola Embréus, Katya Richards, Gergely Papp et al
45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2018. Vol. 2018-July, p. 1748-1751
Paper in proceeding

Effect of partially ionized impurities and radiation on the effective critical electric field for runaway generation

Linnea Hesslow, Ola Embréus, George Wilkie et al
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Vol. 60 (7)
Journal article

Effect of partially-screened nuclei on fast-electron dynamics

Linnea Hesslow, Ola Embréus, Adam Stahl et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 118 (25), p. article no. 5501-
Journal article

Fast-electron dynamics in the presence of weakly ionized impurities

Linnea Hesslow, Ola Embréus, George Wilkie et al
44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, EPS 2017
Paper in proceeding

Approaching multi-scale and multi-physics issues for runaway modelling

Tünde Fülöp, Ola Embréus, Linnea Hesslow et al
25th European Fusion Programme Workshop
Other conference contribution

Runaway electrons in disruptions: sliding and screening

Tünde Fülöp, Ola Embréus, Linnea Hesslow et al
Theory and Simulation of Disruptions Workshop, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Other conference contribution

Kinetic effects of partially screened impurities in runaway-electron mitigation scenarios

Linnea Hesslow, Ola Embréus, George Wilkie et al
International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference, Annapolis, USA
Other conference contribution

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Showing 2 research projects


Running away and radiating (PLASMA)

Ola Embréus Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Linnea Hesslow Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Longqing Yi Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Lucas Unnerfelt Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Tünde Fülöp Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Klara Insulander Björk Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Albert Johansson Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Andréas Sundström Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Julien Ferri Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Oskar Vallhagen Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Mathias Hoppe Subatomic and Plasma Physics
European Commission (EC)

24 publications exist

Kinetic modelling of runaway electron dynamics

Tünde Fülöp Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Adam Stahl Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Linnea Hesslow Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Ola Embréus Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Mathias Hoppe Subatomic and Plasma Physics
European Commission (EC)

1 publication exists
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