Hans-Martin Heyn
Research Interests:
System architecture of distributed systems;
Sensor networks;
Fault detection and functional safety;
Requirement Engineering for AI;
Bayesian methods and decision theory;
Causality and Causal Reasoning.
My personal website is https://martinheyn.github.io

Showing 13 publications
Methods for Requirements Engineering, Verification, Security, Safety, and Robustness in AIoT Systems
Requirements and software engineering for automotive perception systems: an interview study
Requirements Engineering for Automotive Perception Systems: An Interview Study
The Secret to Better AI and Better Software (Is Requirements Engineering)
VEDLIoT: Very Efficient Deep Learning in IoT
Requirement engineering challenges for ai-intense systems development.
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Showing 2 research projects
FAMER - Facilitating Multi-Party Engineering of Requirements
Very Efficient Deep Learning in IOT (VEDLIoT)