Thomas Hobiger
Showing 64 publications
Geodetic VLBI for precise orbit determination of Earth satellites: a simulation study
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities during 2017—2018
Real-time sea-level monitoring using Kalman filtering of GNSS-R data
Position determination of the Chang’e 3 lander with geodetic VLBI
Status of the Onsala Twin Telescopes – One Year After the Inauguration
Software defined radio for ground and airborne GNSS reflectometry
Inverse modeling of reflected GNSS signals for measurement of the environment
VLBI with GNSS signals on intercontinental baselines
Towards Real-Time GNSS Reflectometry Using Kalman Filtering
Geodetic VLBI with an artificial radio source on the Moon: a simulation study
Atmospheric Signal Propagation
The Onsala Twin Telescopes Project
VLBI With GNSS-signals on an Intercontinental Baseline – A progress report
The processing of single differenced GNSS data with VLBI software
Ultra-rapid earth rotation determination with VLBI during CONT11 and CONT14
Coastal Sea Ice Detection Using Ground-Based GNSS-R
The Onsala Twin Telescopes: the Status at the Time for the Inauguration
Inverse modeling of ground-based GNSS-r - Results and new possibilities
Identifying optimal tag-along station locations for improving VLBI Intensive sessions
Implementation of VLBI Near-Field Delay Models in the c5++ Analysis Software
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities during 2015–2016
Lunar Observations and Geodetic VLBI – A Simulation Study
Combination of Two Radio Space-Geodetic Techniques with VieVS during CONT14
Robust Ambiguity Estimation for an Automated Analysis of the Intensive Sessions
Inverse modelling of GNSS multipath for sea level measurements - initial results
Ground-based GNSS-R solutions by means of software defined radio
Results from the VLBI Analysis Software Comparison Campaign 2015
Hard- and software tools for the education of Geodetic VLBI
Improving GNSS-R sea level determination through inverse modeling of SNR data
Hard and Software Tools for the Education of Geodetic VLBI
Effective expansion of satellite laser ranging network to improve global geodetic parameters
Software-Defined Radio Direct Correlation GNSS Reflectometry by Means of GLONASS
Automated ambiguity estimation for VLBI Intensive sessions using L1-norm
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Analysis Center Activities during 2014
Contributions of Onsala Space Observatory to GGOS
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Network Station Activities during 2014
Observation Level Combination of GNSS and VLBI with VieVS: a simulation based on CONT11
Combining VLBI and GPS for inter-continental frequency transfer
Automated analysis of Kokee–Wettzell intensive sessions
Assessing the Impact of Global GNSS-VLBI Hybrid Observations
GLONASS-VLBI: Onsala-Wettzell test observations
Combining VLBI and GPS for inter-continental frequency transfer
Combining GPS and VLBI for inter-continental frequency transfer
GLONASS-R: GNSS reflectometry with an FDMA based satellite navigation system
On the Analysis of VLBI Observations to GNSS Satellites
4-station ultra-rapid EOP experiment with e-VLBI technique and automated correlation/analysis
Fully automated multi-baseline ambiguity resolution and analysis
Organization, Correlation, and First Results of CONT11
Consistent height transformations between geodetic and meteorologic reference systems
Near real-time monitoring of UT1 with geodetic VLBI
Multi-technique comparison of troposphere zenith delays and gradients during CONT08
Ultra-raid dUT1 Measurements on Japan-Fenoscandian Baselines - Application to 24-hour Sessions
Ultra rapid dUT1 estimations from e-VLBI sessions
Ultra-Rapid DUT1-Observations with E-VLBI
Progress Report of the IVS VLBI2010 Committee
Design Aspects of the VLBI2010 System
Development of e-VLBI Technologies for Ultra-rapid UT1 Measurement
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