Tobias Husberg

Showing 13 publications


A Combustion Concept for Future Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines

Tobias Husberg
Doctoral thesis

Analysis of advanced multiple injection strategies in a heavy-duty diesel engine using optical measurements and CFD-simulations

Tobias Husberg, Ingemar Denbratt, A. Karlsson
SAE Technical Papers
Journal article

Fuel Flow Impingement Measurements on Multi-Orifice Diesel Nozzles

Tobias Husberg, Vittorio Manente, Rickard Ehleskog et al
SAE World Congress, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Warrendale, Pennsylvania, USA (SAE Paper 2006-01-1552)
Paper in proceeding

Piston Temperature Measurement by Use of Thermographic Phosphors and Thermocouåles in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Run Under Partly Premixed Conditions

Tobias Husberg, Savo Gjirja, Ingemar Denbratt
SAE, Technical Paper Series, 2005 (2005-01-1646), p. 11-
Paper in proceeding

Heavy-Duty Diesel Combustion With Ultra-Low NOx and SOOT Emissions~A Comparison Between Experimental Data and CFD Simulations

Tobias Husberg, Ingemar Denbratt, Johan Engström et al
SAE World Congress (SAE Paper 2005-01-0380)
Paper in proceeding

Fuel Equivalence Ratio and EGR Impact on Premixed Combustion Rate and Emission Output on a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine.

Tobias Husberg, Ingemar Denbratt, Savo Gjirja
7th International Conference on Engines for Automobile, SAE Naples Section, Capry (Naples)- Italy.( SAE paper 2005-24-046)
Paper in proceeding

Fuel Equivalence Ratio and EGR Impact on Premixed Combustion Rate and Emission Output, on a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine.

Tobias Husberg, Ingemar Denbratt, Savo Gjirja et al
7th International Conference on Engines for Automobile, SAE Naples section, Capri (Naples) - Italy (SAE paper 2005-24-046)
Paper in proceeding

Combustion phasing and emission control by using multiple injections on a Heavy-Duty Diesel engine.

Tobias Husberg, Ingemar Denbratt, Savo Gjirja et al
Fifth Symposium Towards Clean Diesel Engines, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Fuel pressure oscillations impact on emissions - when applying multiple injections on a heavy-duty Diesel engine

Tobias Husberg
18th Internal Combustion Engine Symposium (International) in Jeju, Korea, JSAE/KSAE, Society Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc., Japan (JSAE Paper 20056068)
Other conference contribution

Combustion Phasing and Emission Control by Using Multiple Injections on Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine.

Tobias Husberg, Savo Gjirja, Ingemar Denbratt
Fifth Symposium Towards Clean Diesel Engines, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Visualization of Egr Influence on Diesel Combustion With Long Ignition Delay in a Heavy-Duty Engine

Tobias Husberg, Savo Gjirja, Ingemar Denbratt et al
SAE Technical Paper Series, SP-1896, 2004 (2004-01-2947), p. 10-
Paper in proceeding

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