Tobias Husberg

Visar 13 publikationer


A Combustion Concept for Future Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines

Tobias Husberg

Analysis of advanced multiple injection strategies in a heavy-duty diesel engine using optical measurements and CFD-simulations

Tobias Husberg, Ingemar Denbratt, A. Karlsson
SAE Technical Papers
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Fuel Flow Impingement Measurements on Multi-Orifice Diesel Nozzles

Tobias Husberg, Vittorio Manente, Rickard Ehleskog et al
SAE World Congress, Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc., Warrendale, Pennsylvania, USA (SAE Paper 2006-01-1552)
Paper i proceeding

Piston Temperature Measurement by Use of Thermographic Phosphors and Thermocouåles in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Run Under Partly Premixed Conditions

Tobias Husberg, Savo Gjirja, Ingemar Denbratt
SAE, Technical Paper Series, 2005 (2005-01-1646), p. 11-
Paper i proceeding

Heavy-Duty Diesel Combustion With Ultra-Low NOx and SOOT Emissions~A Comparison Between Experimental Data and CFD Simulations

Tobias Husberg, Ingemar Denbratt, Johan Engström et al
SAE World Congress (SAE Paper 2005-01-0380)
Paper i proceeding

Piston temperature measurement by use of thermographic phosphors and thermocouples in a heavy-duty diesel engine run under partly premixed conditions

Tobias Husberg, Savo Gjirja, Ingemar Denbratt et al
SAE Technical Papers
Artikel i vetenskaplig tidskrift

Fuel Equivalence Ratio and EGR Impact on Premixed Combustion Rate and Emission Output on a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine.

Tobias Husberg, Ingemar Denbratt, Savo Gjirja
7th International Conference on Engines for Automobile, SAE Naples Section, Capry (Naples)- Italy.( SAE paper 2005-24-046)
Paper i proceeding

On new combustion concepts for future heavy-duty diesel engines

Tobias Husberg

Fuel Equivalence Ratio and EGR Impact on Premixed Combustion Rate and Emission Output, on a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine.

Tobias Husberg, Ingemar Denbratt, Savo Gjirja et al
7th International Conference on Engines for Automobile, SAE Naples section, Capri (Naples) - Italy (SAE paper 2005-24-046)
Paper i proceeding

Combustion phasing and emission control by using multiple injections on a Heavy-Duty Diesel engine.

Tobias Husberg, Ingemar Denbratt, Savo Gjirja et al
Fifth Symposium Towards Clean Diesel Engines, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden
Paper i proceeding

Fuel pressure oscillations impact on emissions - when applying multiple injections on a heavy-duty Diesel engine

Tobias Husberg
18th Internal Combustion Engine Symposium (International) in Jeju, Korea, JSAE/KSAE, Society Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc., Japan (JSAE Paper 20056068)
Övrigt konferensbidrag

Combustion Phasing and Emission Control by Using Multiple Injections on Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine.

Tobias Husberg, Savo Gjirja, Ingemar Denbratt
Fifth Symposium Towards Clean Diesel Engines, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden
Paper i proceeding

Visualization of Egr Influence on Diesel Combustion With Long Ignition Delay in a Heavy-Duty Engine

Tobias Husberg, Savo Gjirja, Ingemar Denbratt et al
SAE Technical Paper Series, SP-1896, 2004 (2004-01-2947), p. 10-
Paper i proceeding

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