Io Chun Hoi

Showing 14 publications


Tuning atom-field interaction via phase shaping

Yu Ting Cheng, Chin Hsun Chien, K. M. Hsieh et al
Physical Review A. Vol. 109 (2)
Journal article

Deterministic Loading of Microwaves onto an Artificial Atom Using a Time-Reversed Waveform

Wei Ju Lin, Yong Lu, P. Y. Wen et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 22 (20), p. 8137-8142
Journal article

Ultimate quantum limit for amplification: A single atom in front of a mirror

Emely Wiegand, P. Y. Wen, Per Delsing et al
New Journal of Physics. Vol. 23 (4)
Journal article

Probing the quantum vacuum with an artificial atom in front of a mirror

Io Chun Hoi, Anton Frisk Kockum, Lars Tornberg et al
Nature Physics. Vol. 11 (12), p. 1045-1049
Journal article

Giant Cross–Kerr Effect for Propagating Microwaves Induced by an Artificial Atom

Io Chun Hoi, Anton Frisk Kockum, Tauno Palomaki et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 111 (5), p. article nr. 053601-
Journal article

Scattering of coherent states on a single artificial atom

B. Peropadre, Joel Lindkvist, Io Chun Hoi et al
New Journal of Physics. Vol. 15, p. Article Number: 035009-
Journal article

Breakdown of the Cross-Kerr Scheme for Photon Counting

B. X. Fan, Anton Frisk Kockum, J. Combes et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 110 (5)
Journal article

Microwave quantum optics with an artificial atom in one-dimensional open space

Io Chun Hoi, Christopher Wilson, Göran Johansson et al
New Journal of Physics. Vol. 15, p. Article Number: 025011 -
Journal article

Generation of Nonclassical Microwave States Using an Artificial Atom in 1D Open Space

Io Chun Hoi, Tauno Palomaki, Joel Lindkvist et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 108 (26), p. art no. 263601-
Journal article

Coupling of an erbium spin ensemble to a superconducting resonator

Matthias Staudt, Io Chun Hoi, Philip Krantz et al
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. Vol. 45 (12), p. Art. no. 124019-
Journal article

Demonstration of a Single-Photon Router in the Microwave Regime

Io Chun Hoi, Christopher Wilson, Göran Johansson et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 107 (7)
Journal article

Exploring circuit quantum electrodynamics using a widely tunable superconducting resonator

Martin Sandberg, Fredrik Persson, Io Chun Hoi et al
Physica Scripta. Vol. T137, p. Art. no. 014018-
Journal article

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