Jesper Knutsson
Jesper is a researcher in the Division of Water Environment Technology, research theme Urban environments and systems, at Chalmers.
Jesper’s research aims to improve our understanding of household consumption patterns of food, energy and water. By using a co-creation approach end-user innovative potential is utilized to derive new products and services that foster persistent change in consumption behavior. Other areas of interests include metals in aquatic environments, metal speciation and environmental monitoring in water.

Showing 28 publications
A multi-criteria analysis of building level graywater reuse for personal hygiene
Use of natural ores in thermal conversion of biomass
Characterization of ash component desorption on novel bed material for fluidized bed boilers
FoodWatch and food resource flows
Phycoremediation of heavy metals
Evaluation of a passive sampler for the speciation of metals in urban runoff water
Passive sampling for monitoring of inorganic pollutants in water
Field sampling, speciation and determination of dissolved iron (II) and iron (III) in waters
Developments in the Use of Passive Sampling Devices for Monitoring Pollutants in Water
Blast-Furnace Sludge as Sorbent Material for Multi-Metal Contaminated Water
Monitoring heavy metals using passive samplers
Application of passive sampling techniques for monitoring the aquatic environment
Preconcentration Methods for Determination of Thallium in Natural Waters
The relative impact of automobile catalysts and Russian smelters on PGE deposition in Greenland
Hyttslam som adsorbent för tungmetaller?
Strategic monitoring for the European Water Framework Directive
Performance optimization of a passive sampler for monitoring hydrophobic organic pollutants in water
Passive sampling techniques for monitoring pollutants in water
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Showing 9 research projects
Legionella growth in DHW circulation systems
Development of sustainable energy-efficient water supply systems in society
Energiåtervinning i avloppsflöden
Automatisering av gråvattenåtervinning
Systemanalys av lokal gråvattenanvändning
Gråvattenåtervinning för hygienändamål i större fastigheter
Production of warmwater for hygien purposes from bathroom graywater