Jesper Knutsson

Researcher at Water Environment Technology

Jesper is a researcher in the Division of Water Environment Technology, research theme Urban environments and systems, at Chalmers.

Jesper’s research aims to improve our understanding of household consumption patterns of food, energy and water. By using a co-creation approach end-user innovative potential is utilized to derive new products and services that foster persistent change in consumption behavior. Other areas of interests include metals in aquatic environments, metal speciation and environmental monitoring in water.

Image of Jesper Knutsson

Showing 28 publications


Stakeholder-driven development of a decision support framework targeting sustainable water supply systems

Viktor La Torre Rapp, Jesper Knutsson, Jörgen Wallin
Energy Reports. Vol. 12, p. 2306-2320
Journal article

A multi-criteria analysis of building level graywater reuse for personal hygiene

Jörgen Wallin, Jesper Knutsson, Timos Karpouzoglou
Resources, Conservation and Recycling Advances. Vol. 12
Journal article

Water and energy savings from greywater reuse: a modelling scheme using disaggregated consumption data

Jesper Knutsson, Pavleta Knutsson
International Journal of Water Resources Development. Vol. 5 (1), p. 13-24
Journal article

Potassium speciation and distribution for the K2CO3 additive-induced activation/deactivation of olivine during gasification of woody biomass

Pavleta Knutsson, Jelena Maric, Jesper Knutsson et al
Applied Energy. Vol. 248, p. 538-544
Journal article

Use of natural ores in thermal conversion of biomass

Pavleta Knutsson, Jesper Knutsson
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. Vol. 18 (4.1), p. 791-798
Paper in proceeding

Characterization of ash component desorption on novel bed material for fluidized bed boilers

Pavleta Knutsson, Jesper Knutsson
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM. Vol. 18 (4.1), p. 195-202
Paper in proceeding

Designed to support or impede energy conservation? How design characteristics influence people’s energy use

Anneli Selvefors, Jesper Knutsson, Christian Marx et al
Journal of Design Research. Vol. 15 (1), p. 43-61
Journal article


Jesper Knutsson, Christian Marx
Nano, Bio and Green - Technologies for a Sustainable Future Conference Proceedings, Sgem 2016, Vol Ii. Vol. Book6 Vol. 2, p. 317-324
Paper in proceeding

FoodWatch and food resource flows

Jesper Knutsson
Living Labs: Design and Assessment of Sustainable Living; Keyson, D.V., Guerra-Santin, O., Lockton, D. (Eds.), p. 277-287
Book chapter

Phycoremediation of heavy metals

Pavleta Knutsson, Jenny Veide Vilg, Jesper Knutsson et al
Energy and Clean Technologies Conference Proceedings, Sgem 2016, Vol I, p. 533-540
Paper in proceeding

Estimation of Measurement Uncertainties for the DGT Passive Sampler Used for Determination of Copper in Water

Jesper Knutsson, Sebastien Rauch, Greg Morrison
International Journal of Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 2014, p. 7-
Journal article

Evaluation of a passive sampler for the speciation of metals in urban runoff water

Jesper Knutsson, Pavleta Knutsson, Sebastien Rauch et al
Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts. Vol. 15 (12), p. 2233-2239
Journal article

Performance of a passive sampler for the determination of time averaged concentrations of nitrate and phosphate in water

Jesper Knutsson, Sebastien Rauch, Greg Morrison
Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts. Vol. 15 (5), p. 955-962
Journal article

Field sampling, speciation and determination of dissolved iron (II) and iron (III) in waters

S. Arpadjan, K. Tsekova, Pavleta Knutsson et al
Bulgarian Chemical Communications. Vol. 44 (4), p. 299-306
Journal article

Speciation analysis of thallium in water samples after separation/ preconcentration with the EmporeTM chelating disk

S. Arpadjan, Pavleta Knutsson, Jesper Knutsson
International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 91 (11), p. 1088-1099
Journal article

Developments in the Use of Passive Sampling Devices for Monitoring Pollutants in Water

Graham A. Mills, R. Aguilar-Martínez, Richard Greenwood et al
Handbook of Sample Preparation, p. 341-363
Book chapter

Blast-Furnace Sludge as Sorbent Material for Multi-Metal Contaminated Water

Yuliya Kalmykova, Jesper Knutsson, Ann-Margret Hvitt Strömvall
Alliance for Global Sustainability. 9th Highway and Urban Environment Symposium (9HUES). Univ Politecn Madrid, Madrid, SPAIN. JUN 09-11, 2008. Vol. 17, p. 307-317
Paper in proceeding

Monitoring heavy metals using passive samplers

Graham A. Mills, Ian J. Allan, Nathalie Guigues et al
Rapid chemical and biological techniques for water monitoring, p. 243-262
Book chapter

Application of passive sampling techniques for monitoring the aquatic environment

Graham Mills, Richard Greenwood, Ian J. Allan et al
Analytical Measurements in Aquatic Environments, p. 41-68
Book chapter

Chemcatcher and DGT passive sampling devices for regulatory monitoring of trace metals in surface water

I. J. Allan, Jesper Knutsson, N. Guigues et al
Journal of Environmental Monitoring. Vol. 10 (7), p. 821-829
Journal article

Preconcentration Methods for Determination of Thallium in Natural Waters

Sonja Arpadjan, Pavleta Petrova, Jesper Knutsson
Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 3 (1)
Journal article

The relative impact of automobile catalysts and Russian smelters on PGE deposition in Greenland

Sebastien Rauch, Jesper Knutsson
Highway and Urban Environment, Morrison G.M. and Rauch S. (Eds), p. 215-222
Book chapter

Hyttslam som adsorbent för tungmetaller?

Jesper Knutsson, M. Pålsson, Yuliya Kalmykova et al

Evaluation of the Chemcatcher and DGT passive samplers for monitoring metals with highly fluctuating water concentrations

Ian J. Allan, Jesper Knutsson, Nathalie Guigues et al
Journal of Environmental Monitoring. Vol. 9 (7), p. 672-681
Journal article

Strategic monitoring for the European Water Framework Directive

Ian J. Allan, Branislav Vrana, Richard Greenwood et al
TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 25 (7), p. 704-715
Journal article

Performance optimization of a passive sampler for monitoring hydrophobic organic pollutants in water

Branislav Vrana, Graham Mills, Richard Greenwood et al
Journal of Environmental Monitoring. Vol. 7 (6), p. 612-620
Journal article

Passive sampling techniques for monitoring pollutants in water

Branislav Vrana, Ian J. Allan, Richard Greenwood et al
TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 24 (10), p. 845-868
Journal article

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Showing 9 research projects


Effektiv vattenanvändning i hushåll

Jesper Knutsson Water Environment Technology


Legionella growth in DHW circulation systems

Jesper Knutsson Water Environment Technology
Swedish Energy Agency


Development of sustainable energy-efficient water supply systems in society

Jesper Knutsson Water Environment Technology
Swedish Energy Agency


Energiåtervinning i avloppsflöden

Jesper Knutsson Water Environment Technology
HSB Living Lab


Automatisering av gråvattenåtervinning

Jesper Knutsson Water Environment Technology
HSB Living Lab


Systemanalys av lokal gråvattenanvändning

Jesper Knutsson Water Environment Technology
HSB Living Lab


Gråvattenåtervinning för hygienändamål i större fastigheter

Jesper Knutsson Water Environment Technology


Production of warmwater for hygien purposes from bathroom graywater

Jesper Knutsson Water Environment Technology

1 publication exists

Home Energy Management (HEM)

Melina Forooraghi Building Technology
Ulrike Rahe Design and Human Factors
Anneli Selvefors Design and Human Factors
York Ostermeyer Building Technology
Christian Marx Building Technology
Shea Hagy Building Technology
Jesper Knutsson Water Environment Technology
Paula Femenias Building Design
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)

4 publications exist
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