Johan Karlsson
Showing 67 publications
An Empirical Study of the Impact of Single and Multiple Bit-Flip Errors in Programs
Modeling and Evaluating the Effects of Jamming Attacks on Connected Automated Road Vehicles
Sources of Variation in Error Sensitivity Measurements, Significant or Not?
A Probabilistic Analysis of a Leader Election Protocol for Virtual Traffic Lights
One Bit is (Not) Enough: An Empirical Study of the Impact of Single and Multiple Bit-Flip Errors
A Comparison of Inject-on-Read and Inject-on-Write in ISA-Level Fault Injection
Message from General Chair - EDCC 2016
Back-to-Back Fault Injection Testing in Model-Based Development
On probabilistic analysis of disagreement in synchronous consensus protocols
A Study of the Impact of Bit-flip Errors on Programs Compiled with Different Optimization Levels
Binary-level fault injection for autosar systems
On reliability analysis of leader election protocols for virtual traffic lights
Benchmarking the Hardware Error Sensitivity of Machine Instructions
Towards Benchmarking of Functional Safety in the Automotive Industry
Reliability Analysis of Consensus in Cooperative Transport Systems (invited paper)
A Study of the Impact of Single Bit-Flip and Double Bit- Flip Errors on Program Execution
KARYON: Towards Safety Kernels for Cooperative Vehicular Systems
An Investigation of the Fault Sensitivity of Four Benchmark Workloads
Impact of Soft Errors in a Jet Engine Controller
Fault injection-based assessment of aspect-oriented implementation of fault tolerance
Toward dependability benchmarking of partitioning operating systems
Introduction to the fifth workshop on dependable and secure nanocomputing
Fourth workshop on dependable and secure nanocomputing
Fourth workshop on dependable and secure nanocomputing
Fault injection‐based assessment of aspect‐oriented fault tolerance
Shared data from a study of measurement uncertainty in fault injection
Comparing and validating measurements of dependability attributes
GOOFI-2: A tool for experimental dependability assessment
Aspect-Oriented Implementation of Fault Tolerance: An Assessment of Overhead
Opportunities from standardization in automotive safety assessment
Experiences from Verifying a Partitioning Kernel Using Fault Injection
Third workshop on dependable and secure nanocomputing
Evaluation of Low-Cost Detection and Recovery of Soft Errors in an ABS controller
Software Mechanisms for Tolerating Soft Errors in an Automotive Brake-Controller
Software Implemented Detection and Recovery of Soft Errors in a Brake-by-Wire System
A Process Health Status Service for Safety Related Systems Using TT/ET Communication Scheduling
On the Integrity of Lightweight Checkpoints
An Environment for Testing Safety-Critical Distributed Protocols
Derivation of Diagnostic Requirements for a Distributed UAV Turbofan Engine Control System
A Process Membership Service for Active Safety Systems
A Process Membership Service for Active Safety Systems
Impact of Soft Errors in a Brake-by-Wire System
A Process Group Membership Service for Active Safety Systems Using TT/ET Communication Scheduling
Implementation of a Flexible Membership Protocol on a Real-Time Ethernet Prototype
Flexible, Cost-Effective Membership Agreement in Synchronous Systems
Implementation Results of a Configurable Membership Protocol for Active Safety Systems
A Framework for Node-level Fault-Tolerance in Distributed Systems
Assembly-Level Pre-injection Analysis for Improving Fault Injection Efficiency
Experimental Dependability Evaluation of a Fail-Bounded Jet Engine
Experimental Dependability Evaluation of the Artk68-FT Real-time Kernel
On the Design of Robust Integrators for Fail-Bounded Control System
On the probability of detecting data errors generated by permanent faults using time redundancy
Comparison of Physical and Software-Implemented Fault Injection Techniques
MEFISTO: A Series of Prototype Tools for Fault Injection into VHDL Models
On the Design of Robust Integrators for Fail-Bounded Control Systems
Path-Based Error Coverage Prediction
Experimental evaluation of time-redundant execution for a brake-by-wire application
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Showing 2 research projects
ACE: Approximate Algorithms and Computing Systems
Dependable Flexible Electric Architecture 2020 (DFEA2020)