Viktor Bergion

Postdoc at Geology and Geotechnics image

Showing 12 publications


Multi-criteria decision analysis framework for engaging stakeholders in river pollution risk management

Zesizwe Ngubane, Viktor Bergion, Bloodless Dzwairo et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 14 (1)
Journal article

Risk-Based Evaluation of Improvements in Drinking Water Treatment Using Cost-Benefit Analysis

Nils-Petter Sköld, Viktor Bergion, Andreas Lindhe et al
Water (Switzerland). Vol. 14 (5)
Journal article

Utvärdering av statsstödet för bättre vattenhushållning: Enkätstudie av genomförda projekt 2019 och 2020

Andreas Lindhe, Viktor Bergion, Lars Rosen et al
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Water quality modelling and quantitative microbial risk assessment for uMsunduzi River in South Africa

Zesizwe Ngubane, Viktor Bergion, Bloodless Dzwairo et al
Journal of Water and Health. Vol. 20 (4), p. 641-656
Journal article

Accounting for Unexpected Risk Events in Drinking Water Systems

Viktor Bergion, Andreas Lindhe, Ekaterina Sokolova et al
Exposure and Health. Vol. 13 (1), p. 15-31
Journal article

Economic Valuation for Cost–Benefit Analysis of Health Risk Reduction in Drinking Water Systems

Viktor Bergion, Andreas Lindhe, Ekaterina Sokolova et al
Exposure and Health. Vol. 12 (1), p. 99-110
Journal article

Molecular analyses of fecal bacteria and hydrodynamic modeling for microbial risk assessment of a drinking water source

Olga D. Chuquimia, Viktor Bergion, Jessica Guzman-Otazo et al
Water (Switzerland). Vol. 12 (1)
Journal article

Risk-based cost-benefit analysis for evaluating microbial risk mitigation in a drinking water system

Viktor Bergion, Andreas Lindhe, Ekaterina Sokolova et al
Water Research. Vol. 132, p. 111-123
Journal article

Hydrological modelling in a drinking water catchment area as a means of evaluating pathogen risk reduction

Viktor Bergion, Ekaterina Sokolova, Johan Åström et al
Journal of Hydrology. Vol. 544, p. 74-85
Journal article

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