Jon Larborn

Showing 20 publications


Standard Representations for Sustainability Characterization of Industrial Processes

M. Mani, Jon Larborn, Björn Johansson et al
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. Vol. 138 (10)
Journal article

Improving manufacturing process change by 3D visualization support: A pilot study on truck production

Liang Gong, Jonatan Berglund, Zhiping Wang et al
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 57, p. 298-302
Paper in proceeding

A Methodology for Continuous Quality Assurance of Production Data

Jon Bokrantz, Anders Skoogh, Jon Andersson et al
Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference. Vol. 2016-February, p. 2088-2099
Paper in proceeding

Towards an Assessment Methodology to Support Decision Making for Sustainable Electronic Waste Management Systems: Automatic Sorting Technology

Ilaria Giovanna Barletta, Jon Larborn, Mahesh Mani et al
Sustainability. Vol. 8 (1), p. 84-20
Journal article

Power Level Sampling of Metal Cutting Machines for Data Representation in Discrete Event Simulation

Björn Johansson, Anders Skoogh, Jon Andersson et al
International Journal of Production Research. Vol. 53 (23), p. 7060-7070
Journal article

Assessing a proposal for an energy-based overall equipment effectiveness indicator through discrete event simulation

Ilaria Giovanna Barletta, Jon Andersson, Björn Johansson et al
Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference. Vol. 2015-January, p. 1096-1107
Paper in proceeding

Life cycle assessment in production flow simulation for production engineers

Jon Andersson
22nd International Conference on Production Research
Paper in proceeding

A Hierarchical Approach for Evaluating Energy Trade-offs in Supply Chains

Sanjay Jain, Erik Lindskog, Jon Andersson et al
International Journal of Production Economics. Vol. 146 (2), p. 411-422
Journal article

Life cycle assessment in production simulation used by production engineers

Jon Andersson
22nd International Conference on Production Research, ICPR 2013
Paper in proceeding

Startup Methodology for Production Flow Simulation Projects Assessing Environmental Sustainability

Tobias Dettmann, Clas Andersson, Jon Andersson et al
Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference, p. 1926-1937
Paper in proceeding

Environmental aspects in manufacturing system modelling and simulation – State of the art and research perspectives

Sebastian Thiede, Yingying Seow, Jon Andersson et al
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology. Vol. 6 (1), p. 78-87
Journal article

Multi-Resolution Modeling for Supply Chain Sustainability Analysis

Sanjay Jain, Sigríður Sigurðardóttir, Erik Lindskog et al
Proceedings of the 2013 Winter Simulation Conference, p. 1996-2007
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation and Calculation of Dynamics in Environmental Impact Assessment

Björn Johansson, Jon Andersson, Erik Lindskog et al
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Vol. 397 (1), p. 135-141
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of methods used for life-cycle assessments in Discrete Event Simulation

Jon Andersson, Anders Skoogh, Björn Johansson
Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference
Paper in proceeding

Framework for Ecolabeling using Discrete Event Simulation

Jon Andersson, Björn Johansson, Jonatan Berglund et al
Proceedings of the 2012 spring simulation multiconference
Paper in proceeding

Environmental Impact Assessment for Manufacturing: Data Requirements for a Simulation-Based Approach

Jon Andersson, Anders Skoogh, Jonatan Berglund et al
Swedish Production Symposium, p. 151-160
Paper in proceeding

Environmental Activity Based Cost using Discrete Event Simulation

Jon Andersson, Anders Skoogh, Björn Johansson
Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference, p. 891-902
Paper in proceeding

Reducing the EPEI-Time Using Discrete Event Simulation

David Alin, Jon Andersson, Mikael Andersson et al
Proceedings of the 2009 Swedish Production Symposium (2), p. 295-301
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 2 research projects


Knowledge and technology for more sustainable e-waste recycling (WEEE ID)

Björn Johansson Production Systems
Ilaria Giovanna Barletta Production Systems
Jon Larborn Production Systems

2 publications exist

Effektiv ÅTERtillverkning genom användning av leanprinciper och PROUKTlivscykeldata (ÅTER PRODUKT)

Lars Almefelt Product Development
Oskar Rexfelt Design and Human Factors
Jon Larborn Production Systems
Anders Skoogh Production Systems

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