Effektiv ÅTERtillverkning genom användning av leanprinciper och PROUKTlivscykeldata (ÅTER PRODUKT)
Research Project, 2013
– 2016
Purpose and aim
The purpose of this project is to develop supporting methods for the implementation of lean principles and effective use of product lifecycle data increasing the competitiveness of Swedish remanufacturing companies. Remanufacturing is a complicated process mainly due to uncertainties in the condition of incoming products. The application of lean-principles and product lifecycle data reduces these uncertainties. This development aims towards more efficient and eco-friendly remanufacturing processes.
Effects and results
Improved remanufacturing processes through reduced lead-times, lower costs, better ecologic performance, and higher product quality. Methods for information exchange in the product lifecycle, i.e. feed forward from product development, customer use, production, and maintenance. Similarly, feedback from remanufacturing to product development to reach design for remanufacturing. Also, improved user involvement and business models enabling effective use of product lifecycle information.
Lars Almefelt (contact)
Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Product Development
Jon Larborn
Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Production Systems
Oskar Rexfelt
Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Design and Human Factors
Anders Skoogh
Chalmers, Industrial and Materials Science, Production Systems
Täby, Sweden
LTB Jobb
Norrköping, Sweden
Linköping University
Linköping, Sweden
Borås, Sweden
Tetra Pak
Lund, Sweden
Toyota Group
Aichi District, Japan
UBD Cleantech
Höör, Sweden
Project ID: 2013-03333
Funding Chalmers participation during 2013–2016
Related Areas of Advance and Infrastructure
Sustainable development
Driving Forces