Oskar Rexfelt

Associate Professor at Design & Human Factors

Oskar Rexfelt’s research considers the development of user-centred products and services. His dissertation, User-Centred Design and Technology-Mediated Services, explores the conditions for developing integrated products and services. The aim of Oskar’s research is to develop methodological support for designing usable solutions that benefits the customer. He also researches consumer acceptance and adoption of sustainable consumption patterns (e.g. sharing, recirculation and access based consumption).
Oskar is Director of studies for the graduate school “Human-Technology-Design”

Source: chalmers.se
Image of Oskar Rexfelt

Showing 57 publications


Mapping the practice of circular design: a survey study with industrial designers and architects in the Netherlands and Sweden

Giliam Dokter, Jonathan Cohen, Sofie Hagejärd et al
Journal of Design Research. Vol. 21 (3-4), p. 177-209
Journal article

Mapping the landscape of circular design tools

Oskar Rexfelt, Anneli Selvefors
Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 209
Journal article

Comparing the bad media-fuelled reputation of e-scooters with real-life user and non-user perceptions: Evidence from Sweden

Pontus Wallgren, Oskar Rexfelt, Alexandros Nikitas
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. Vol. 99, p. 189-203
Journal article

Nostalgia, gift, or nice to have – an analysis of unused products in Swedish households

Karin Nilsson, Helena Strömberg, Oskar Rexfelt et al
Paper in proceeding

Ranking sustainable urban mobility indicators and their matching transport policies to support liveable city Futures: A MICMAC approach

Ioannis Chatziioannou, Alexandros Nikitas, Pangiotis Tzouras et al
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Vol. 18
Journal article

Behavioural insight to promote reusable cups; a field study to reduce the use of single-use cups.

Sophie Charpentier, Klas Hedvall, Niklas Laninge et al
Report - Stiftelsen Chalmers Industriteknik

Vikten av att vara observant för att utveckla kurser

Oskar Rexfelt
Other conference contribution

A Toolkit for Designing Products and Services Fit for Circular Consumption

Oskar Rexfelt, Anneli Selvefors
Sustainable Production, Life Cycle Engineering and Management, p. 33-48
Book chapter

Course design: Making philosophy of science useful and fun

Oskar Rexfelt, Pontus Wallgren
Other conference contribution

The Use2Use Design Toolkit-Tools for User-Centred Circular Design

Oskar Rexfelt, Anneli Selvefors
Sustainability. Vol. 13 (10)
Journal article

Designing products and services for circular consumption - A circular design tool

Anneli Selvefors, Oskar Rexfelt
4th Conference on Product Lifetimes and the Environment (PLATE)
Paper in proceeding

A Toolkit for Designing Products and Services Fit for Circular Consumption

Oskar Rexfelt, Anneli Selvefors
Proceedings of EcoDesign 2019 International Symposium, p. 190-197
Paper in proceeding

Designing Away Waste: A Comparative Analysis of Urban Reuse and Remanufacture Initiatives

Isabel Ordonez Pizarro, Oskar Rexfelt, Shea Hagy et al
Recycling. Vol. 4 (2)
Journal article

A Tool for Charting Circular Consumption Journeys

Anneli Selvefors, Oskar Rexfelt
Proceedings of the 19th European Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP 2019). Vol. 1, p. 47-64
Paper in proceeding

Use to Use - a User Perspective on Product Circularity

Anneli Selvefors, Oskar Rexfelt, Sara Renström et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 223, p. 1014-1028
Journal article

Centers for Urban Re-manufacture: Lessons from the CURE Pathfinder Project

Isabel Ordonez Pizarro, Oskar Rexfelt, Paul Mählitz et al
the 3rd PLATE Product Lifetimes And The Environment 2019 Conference Proceedings, p. 577-581
Paper in proceeding

Practical experiences with different ways of eliciting information on ‘soft’ user requirements for assistive technology.

Pamela Lindgren, MariAnne Karlsson, Oskar Rexfelt
Other conference contribution

Re-framing Product Circularity from a User Perspective

Anneli Selvefors, Oskar Rexfelt, Helena Strömberg et al
Proceedings of DRS 2018 International Conference: Catalyst. Vol. 5, p. 2046-2057
Paper in proceeding

Designing from the dumpster : experiences of developing products using discards

Isabel Ordonez Pizarro, Oskar Rexfelt
International Journal of Sustainable Design. Vol. 3 (2), p. 61-78
Journal article

Beyond lampshades - Teaching upcycling in a meaningful way

Chris Ebbert, Oskar Rexfelt, Isabel Ordonez Pizarro
International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education 7 & 8 September 2017, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway
Paper in proceeding

A tool for assessing customers' barriers for consuming remanufactured products

Lars Almefelt, Oskar Rexfelt
Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED. Vol. 1 (DS87-1), p. 11-20
Paper in proceeding

Designing with waste: Comparison of two practice-based education cases

Isabel Ordonez Pizarro, Amaltas Khan, Puneet Tandon et al
18th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, E and PDE 2016, Aalborg, Denmark, 8-9 September 2016, p. 152-157
Paper in proceeding

Trying on change – Trialability as a change moderator for sustainable travel behaviour

Helena Strömberg, Oskar Rexfelt, MariAnne Karlsson et al
Travel Behaviour and Society. Vol. 4, p. 60-68
Journal article

The paradox of public acceptance of bike sharing in Gothenburg

Alexandros Nikitas, Pontus Wallgren, Oskar Rexfelt
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability. Vol. 169 (3), p. 101-113
Journal article

Eco-driving: Drivers’ understanding of the concept and implications for future interventions

Helena Strömberg, MariAnne Karlsson, Oskar Rexfelt
Transport Policy. Vol. 39, p. 48-54
Journal article

Turning Interaction Design Students Into Co-Researchers: How We Tried This and Somewhat Failed

Oskar Rexfelt, Pontus Wallgren, Alexandros Nikitas
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education (E&PDE15), p. 194-199
Paper in proceeding

Media and representations in product design education

Maral Babapour Chafi, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, Oskar Rexfelt et al
A. Eger, A. Kovacevic, & B. E. Parkinson (Eds.), Design Education & Human Technology Relations, Proceedings of The 16th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, p. 42-47
Paper in proceeding

Waste as a starting point – how to educate design students to become active agents in closing material loops

Isabel Ordonez Pizarro, Oskar Rexfelt, Ulrike Rahe
International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, 4 & 5 September 2014, University Of Twente, The Netherlands
Paper in proceeding

Evaluating the effects of bus design on passenger flow: Is agent-based simulation a feasible approach?

Oskar Rexfelt, Tomasz Schelenz, MariAnne Karlsson et al
Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies. Vol. 38, p. 16-27
Journal article

Characterizing and comparing service innovation in manufacturing firms and service organizations

Oskar Rexfelt, Lars Almefelt, Johan Malmqvist
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED13), Seoul, South Korea. Vol. 4 DS75-04, p. 437-446
Journal article

Take Waste and Make: Guidelines for workshops to find new applications for industrial waste material.

Oskar Rexfelt, Jonas Kääpä, Leo Li et al
Proceedings from the IASDR Conference 2013, Consilience and Innovation in Design, 24-30 August 2013, Tokyo., p. 4151-4162
Paper in proceeding

Involvering av resenärer i utveckling av kollektivtrafikfordon

Oskar Rexfelt, Pontus Wallgren
Nationella konferensen i transportforskning , 22-23 oktober, 2013, Göteborg
Paper in proceeding

From Industrial Waste to Product Design

Isabel Ordonez Pizarro, Oskar Rexfelt, Ulrike Rahe
DesignEd Asia conference proceedings, "Incorporating Disciplinary Dynamics Into Design Education", p. 65-77
Paper in proceeding

TeleFOT/Deliverable D4.7.4/Operational Business Models

Stig Franzén, Oskar Rexfelt

Evaluating public transport vehicles using full scale mockups and staged experiences

Oskar Rexfelt, Pontus Wallgren
Proceedings at the NES (Nordic Ergonomic Society) Conference, Stockholm, Aug 20-23, 2012
Paper in proceeding

A proposal for a structured approach for cross-company teamwork: a case study of involving the customer in service innovation

Oskar Rexfelt, Lars Almefelt, Daniel Zackrisson et al
Research in Engineering Design - Theory, Applications, and Concurrent Engineering. Vol. 22 (3), p. 153-171
Journal article

Methodology for service innovation in a Multi-Disciplinary context

Lars Almefelt, Oskar Rexfelt, Daniel Zackrisson et al
Proceedings of ICED’09, p. paper 5-405
Paper in proceeding

Consumer acceptance of product-service systems - Designing for relative advantages and uncertainty reductions

Oskar Rexfelt, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. Vol. 20 (5), p. 674-699
Journal article

Resenärsinformation via talsvar. Utvärdering av dialogen i Västtrafiks talsvarstjänst.

Anna Yström, MariAnne Karlsson, Oskar Rexfelt

From consumption to use - Consumer requirements in functional sales

Oskar Rexfelt, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs
In Horváth, I & Rusák, Z (eds.) Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering - TMCE 2008, April 21-25, Izmir, Turkey
Conference poster

Demonstrations of and experiences from an Interactive Digital Questionnaire

Oskar Rexfelt
Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Nordic Ergonomic Society, Berlin, C. & Bligård, L-O. (eds.). CD-ROM
Paper in proceeding

PSS for private consumers- User requirements and prerequisites for consumer acceptance

Oskar Rexfelt, Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, Elsa Rosenblad
2nd National Workshop on Functional Products – Development and sales; Luleå University of Technology; Luleå, October 24-25 2007
Conference poster

The progress of user requirements through a software development project

Oskar Rexfelt, Elsa Rosenblad
International journal of industrial ergonomics. Vol. 36 (1), p. 73-81
Journal article

Functional Sales From A Consumer Perspective

Viktor Hjort af Ornäs, Oskar Rexfelt
Wonderground – the 2006 Design Research Society International conference; Lisbon, November 1–5
Paper in proceeding

The inherent conflicts in user-centred product development

MariAnne Karlsson, Pontus Wallgren, Oskar Rexfelt et al
Working Life Ethics. Proceedings from Nordic Ergonomics Society 36th Annual Conference 2004 / edited by Kirsten Bendix Olsen, p. 213-216
Paper in proceeding

Kundportalen. Utvärdering av ett användargränssnitt.

MariAnne Karlsson, Oskar Rexfelt

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Showing 12 research projects


Circular design nexus: Converging Sustainable Product development, User Behavior, and Environmental Impact

Sophie Isaksson Hallstedt Product Development
Giliam Dokter Product Development
Maria Ljunggren Environmental Systems Analysis
Adeline Jerome Environmental Systems Analysis
Oskar Rexfelt Design & Human Factors
Swedish Energy Agency

2 publications exist

Mining garage gold - exploring and expanding potentials for increased reuse in Swedish households

Helena Strömberg Design & Human Factors
Oskar Rexfelt Design & Human Factors
Karin Nilsson Design & Human Factors

1 publication exists

Nudging to reduce the use of disposable coffee cups

Oskar Rexfelt Design & Human Factors
Helena Strömberg Design & Human Factors
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

1 publication exists

Design for Circular Consumption

Oskar Rexfelt Design and Human Factors
Anneli Selvefors Design and Human Factors
Kamprad Family Foundation

2 publications exist

Kvarterets Konsumtion

Oskar Rexfelt Design and Human Factors
Region Västra Götaland

1 publication exists

Increasing the innovation capacity in healthcare

Oskar Rexfelt Design and Human Factors
Lars Almefelt Product Development


A User Perspective on Product Life-Cycles

Oskar Rexfelt Design and Human Factors
Sara Renström Design and Human Factors
Helena Strömberg Design and Human Factors
Anneli Selvefors Design and Human Factors
Kamprad Family Foundation

4 publications exist

Bio-waste to Energy – facilitating collection of bio-waste in apartment buildings

Isabel Ordonez Pizarro Design and Human Factors
Oskar Rexfelt Design and Human Factors


Konstruktion för återtillverkning genom effektiv användning av produktlivscykeldata (KEAP)

Lars Almefelt Product Development
Oskar Rexfelt Design and Human Factors


Effektiv ÅTERtillverkning genom användning av leanprinciper och PROUKTlivscykeldata (ÅTER PRODUKT)

Lars Almefelt Product Development
Oskar Rexfelt Design and Human Factors
Jon Larborn Production Systems
Anders Skoogh Production Systems


Waste to design (W2D)

Ulrike Rahe Design and Human Factors
Oskar Rexfelt Design and Human Factors
Sandra Tostar Nuclear Chemistry
Erik Stenvall Polymeric Materials and Composites
Isabel Ordonez Pizarro Design and Human Factors
Teodora Retegan Vollmer Nuclear Chemistry
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research (Mistra)

There might be more projects where Oskar Rexfelt participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.