Lars Almefelt
Showing 27 publications
Sustainability criteria for introducing new technologies in low-income contexts
Morpheus: The Development and Evaluation of a Software Tool for Morphological Matrices
Lessons Learned from Student Satisfaction Surveys of CDIO Project Courses
A tool for assessing customers' barriers for consuming remanufactured products
Design Methodology Applied for Product Innovation in a Multi-disciplinary Project - A Case Study
Characterizing and comparing service innovation in manufacturing firms and service organizations
Supporting Requirements Management in Embedded Systems Development in a Lean-Influenced Organization
Methodology for service innovation in a Multi-Disciplinary context
Requirements management in practice: findings from an empirical study in the automotive industry
Balancing Properties while Synthesising a Product Concept – A Method Highlighting Synergies
Requirements-Driven Product Innovation - Methods and Tools Reflecting Industrial Needs
Requirements as a means to drive innovation - a reason-based perspective
Exploring Requirements Management in the Automotive Industry
Requirements Management in Theory and Practice – From Requirements Formulation to Product Concept
Computer Support for Systematic Design Applied in a Cross-Functional Concept Development Project
Supporting Concept Development Using Quantitative Requirements Traceability
Implementation of Requirements Management in Systems Engineering Tools
Implementation of Requirements Traceability in Systems Engineering Tools
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Showing 8 research projects
Digitalized Large Scale Additive Manufacturing (DiLAM)
Increasing the innovation capacity in healthcare
Open Obeya - A system engineering lab
Konstruktion för återtillverkning genom effektiv användning av produktlivscykeldata (KEAP)
Effektiv ÅTERtillverkning genom användning av leanprinciper och PROUKTlivscykeldata (ÅTER PRODUKT)
Så Nätt - Supplychain collaboration for light weight vehicle development