Jonas Tornberg

Showing 17 publications


Redefining Urban Development Strategies for Effective and Efficient Future Mobility Solutions

Anders Hagson, Dag Tvilde, Anna Kaczorowska et al

Vad hindrar respektive möjliggör tät och blandad stadsutveckling?

Anders Hagson, Anna-Johanna Klasander, Erik Linn et al

Piloting Time-Tours: Experiences from the Development and Implementation of a Computer Based Exhibition in West Sweden

Per Stenborg, Jonas Tornberg, Johan Ling et al
CAA2010 Fusion of Cultures: Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, edited by F. Contreras, F. Farjas and F. J. Melero, p. 391-396
Paper in proceeding

How to Visualize the Invisible Simulating Air Pollution Dispersions in a 3D City Model

Beata Stahre Wästberg, Jonas Tornberg, Monica Billger et al
Proceedings of CUPUM 2013: 13th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management - Planning Support Systems for Sustainable Urban Development. Vol. 2013, p. 1-4
Paper in proceeding

Piloting Time-Tours: Experiences from the Development and Implementation of a Computer Based Exhibition in West Sweden

Per Stenborg, Jonas Tornberg, Johan Ling et al
Fusion of Cultures: Abstracts from the XXXVIII Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, CAA2010, edited by F. Javier Melero, Pedro Cano, Jorge Revelles, p. 115-118
Paper in proceeding

On the line between Fact and Fiction: Tools and procedures for digital mediation in Cultural Heritage Management

Per Stenborg, Chris Sevara, Jonas Tornberg et al
COMMUNICATE THE PAST: Ways to present archaeology to the public. Proceedings from the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 14th Annual Meeting, Valletta, Malta 16th to 21th September 2008, edited by Anna Arnberg & Tove Stjärna. Vol. Kulturmiljövård i Mälardalen Skrifter 2, p. 87-98
Paper in proceeding

Digital Time-Travels: Communicating Historical GIS and TGIS-Information in Museum Environments

Per Stenborg, Jonas Tornberg, Johan Ling et al
GIS in the Humanities and Social Sciences International Conference — Innovating — Collaborating — Sharing, October 7-9 2009, Academica Sinica, Taipei. Proceedings, p. 365-380
Paper in proceeding

Evaluating Locations for Intermodal Transport Terminals

Rickard Bergqvist, Jonas Tornberg
Transportation Planning and Technology. Vol. 31 (4), p. 465-485
Journal article

From the ice age to the present – an audiovisual and tactile model of the Göta River Valley in Western Sweden

Liane Thuvander, Per Stenborg, Johan Ling et al
Digital Heritage: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, red. M .Ioannides, A. Addisin, A. Georgopoulos, L. Kalisperis, Archaeolingua, Limassol, Cyprus, p. 146-151
Paper in proceeding

Location for Intermodal Transport Terminals - How to go about evaluation?

Rickard Bergqvist, Jonas Tornberg
International Conference on Regional and Urban Modelling. Vol. 1-3 June 2006, Brussels
Paper in proceeding

GIS for Describing and Analysing Regional Logistics Systems

Rickard Bergqvist, Jonas Tornberg
Mapping and Image Science. Vol. 2005 (2)
Journal article

A GIS Energy Model for the Building Stock of Göteborg.

Liane Thuvander, Jonas Tornberg
25th ESRI International User Conference
Paper in proceeding

Visualisering av byggnadsrelaterad energianvändning

Liane Thuvander, Jonas Tornberg
Mapping and Image Science, p. 10-19
Journal article

Potentials for solar energy applications in the existing buildings stock of Göteborg.

Liane Thuvander, Jonas Tornberg
CUPUM 05 (Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management)
Paper in proceeding

The urban economy as a scale-free network

Claes Andersson, Anders Hagson, Alexander Hellervik et al
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Vol. 345 (1), p. 227-244
Journal article

The urban economy as a scale-free network.

Claes Andersson, Alexander Hellervik, Kristian Lindgren et al
Physical Review E. Vol. 68, p. 036124-
Journal article

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Showing 3 research projects


Equitable Fare Design for Public Transit Systems in Gothenburg

Xiaobo Qu Geology and Geotechnics
Ivana Tasic Geology and Geotechnics
Jonas Tornberg Urban Design and Planning


Redefining Urban Development Strategies for Effective and Efficient Future Mobility Solutions

Anna Kaczorowska Urban Design and Planning
Anders Hagson Urban Design and Planning
Dag Tvilde Urban Design and Planning
Jonas Tornberg Urban Design and Planning


How to visualize the invisible - Visualization of environmental factors in 3D city models

Beata Stahre Wästberg Interaction design
Monica Billger Architectural theory and methods
Jonas Tornberg Urban Design and Planning
Mistra Urban Futures

1 publication exists
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