Jung Won Woo
Showing 16 publications
Structure and performance of zeolite supported Pd for complete methane oxidation
Effects of Feed Gas Composition on Fresh and Aged TWC-Coated GPFs Loaded with Real Soot
Regeneration of water-deactivated Cu/SAPO-34(MO) with acids
Influencing the NOx Stability by Metal Oxide Addition to Pd/BEA for Passive NOx Adsorbers
Regeneration of Cu/SAPO-34(MO) with H<inf>2</inf>O only: Too good to be true?
Zeolite beta doped with La, Fe, and Pd as a hydrocarbon trap
Deactivation of Cu-SSZ-13 SCR catalysts by vapor-phase phosphorus exposure
Insights into hydrothermal aging of phosphorus-poisoned Cu-SSZ-13 for NH3-SCR
A kinetic model for SCR coated particulate filters: Effect of ammonia-soot interactions
Investigating the effect of Fe as a poison for catalytic HDO over sulfided NiMo alumina catalysts
Gas-phase phosphorous poisoning of a Pt/Ba/Al2O3 NOx storage catalyst
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