Mathias Gourdon

Showing 40 publications


How surface modifications enhance vertical falling film evaporation

Niklas Hidman, Anders Åkesjö, Mathias Gourdon et al
Journal of Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 997
Journal article

Enhancing industrial vertical falling film evaporation through modification of heat transfer surfaces – an experimental study

Anders Åkesjö, Mathias Gourdon, A. Jongsma et al
Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification. Vol. 191
Journal article

Modified surfaces to enhance vertical falling film heat transfer – an experimental and numerical study

Anders Åkesjö, Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 131, p. 237-251
Journal article

On the measuring of film thickness profiles and local heat transfer coefficients in falling films

Anders Åkesjö, Lennart Vamling, Srdjan Sasic et al
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. Vol. 99, p. 287-296
Journal article

Experimental and numerical study of heat transfer in a large-scale vertical falling film pilot unit

Anders Åkesjö, Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 125, p. 53-65
Journal article

Strategies for Controlling Sodium Salt Scaling in Black Liquor Evaporator: The Influence of the Bulk Crystal Population

Erik Karlsson, Lennart Vamling, Mathias Gourdon
Journal of Science & Technology for Forest Products and Processes. Vol. 7 (2), p. 30-37
Journal article

Hydrodynamics of vertical falling films in a large-scale pilot unit - a combined experimental and numerical study

Anders Åkesjö, Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling et al
International Journal of Multiphase Flow. Vol. 95, p. 188-198
Journal article

The Effect of Bulk Crystals on Sodium Salt Scaling in Black Liquor Evaporators

Erik Karlsson, Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 32 (2), p. 299-308
Journal article

Pressure drop in dairy evaporators: Experimental study and friction factor modelling

Ernesto Mura, Mathias Gourdon
Journal of Food Engineering. Vol. 195, p. 128-136
Journal article

Performance evaluation of falling film evaporators in the dairy industry

Mathias Gourdon, Ernesto Mura
Food and Bioproducts Processing: Transactions of the Institution of of Chemical Engineers, Part C. Vol. 101, p. 22-31
Journal article

Effect of Co-flowing Vapor during Vertical Falling-film Evaporation

Ernesto Mura, Anders Åkesjö, Lennart Vamling et al
Experimental Heat Transfer. Vol. 29 (4), p. 561-575
Journal article

Separation and recirculation of bulk crystals to potentially mitigate sodium salt scaling in black liquor evaporators

Erik Karlsson, Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 31 (4), p. 592-599
Journal article

Heat transfer for falling film evaporation of industrially relevant fluids up to very high Prandtl numbers

Mathias Gourdon, Erik Karlsson, F. Innings et al
Waerme-Stoffuebertrag Thermo-Fluid Dyn. Vol. 52 (2), p. 379-391
Journal article

Interfacial shear stress, heat transfer and bubble appearance in falling film evaporation

Ernesto Mura, Mathias Gourdon
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. Vol. 79, p. 57-64
Journal article

Qualitative investigation of the flow behaviour during falling film evaporation of a dairy product

Mathias Gourdon, F. Innings, A. Jongsma et al
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. Vol. 60, p. 9-19
Journal article

New measurement approaches for film thickness and wall temperature in falling film heat exchangers

Anders Åkesjö, Lars Olausson, Lennart Vamling et al
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics
Paper in proceeding

Evaporation of lignin-lean black liquor

H. Wallmo, U. Andersson, Mathias Gourdon et al
Tappi Journal. Vol. 14 (7), p. 441-450
Magazine article

Cleaning of Water-Soluble Scales in Black Liquor Evaporators – A Modeling Approach

Erik Karlsson, Lennart Vamling, L. Olausson et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 53 (50), p. 19600-19611
Journal article

Black Liquor Falling Film Evaporation: Computational Model and Pilot Experiments

Aaron Howell, Emmanuel Doro, Cyrus Aidun et al
Proceedings of International Chemical Recovery Conference, Tampere,Finland, June 8 – 13 2014, p. 389-401
Paper in proceeding

Modeling and evaluation of evaporator cleaning

Erik Karlsson, Lennart Vamling, Mathias Gourdon et al
Proceedings of the 2014 International Chemical Recovery Conference. Vol. 1, p. 234-247
Paper in proceeding

Experimental Study of the Heat Transfer in a Falling Film Evaporator: Influence of the Co-Flowing Vapor

Ernesto Mura, Anders Åkesjö, Jongsma Alfred et al
10th International Conference on Heat Transfert, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics - HEFAT 2014. 14-16July 2014. Orlando, Florida, USA., p. 1938-1944
Paper in proceeding

Modelling and Evaluation of Evaporator Cleaning

Erik Karlsson, Lennart Vamling, Mathias Gourdon et al
J-FOR. Vol. 4 (6), p. 23-33
Journal article

Evaporation of lignin lean black liquor

Henrik Wallmo, Ulf Andersson, Mathias Gourdon et al
Proceedings of International Chemical Recovery Conference, Tampere,Finland, June 8 – 13 2014, p. 14-24
Paper in proceeding

Solid Dissolution into a Vertical Falling Film under Industrial-like Conditions

Erik Karlsson, Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 53 (22), p. 9478-9487
Journal article

Pulp mill biorefineries

Mathias Gourdon, Johan Isaksson, Erik Karlsson et al
International Process Integration Jubilee Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, March 18-20 2013
Conference poster

Heat transfer for falling film evaporation of black liquor up to very high Prandtl numbers

Erik Karlsson, Mathias Gourdon, Lars Olausson et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 65, p. 907-918
Journal article

Dissolution rate of sodium salt scales in falling film evaporators

Erik Karlsson, Anna Broberg, Anders Åkesjö et al
Conference Proceeding, Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning, June 09-14, Budapest
Paper in proceeding

Crystallization fouling of sodium salts in black liquor falling film evaporators – development of experimental method and first results

Erik Karlsson, Mathias Gourdon, Lars Olausson et al
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 28 (4), p. 506-513
Journal article

Evaporation of Na2CO3-Na2SO4 solutions: A method to evaluate the distribution between bulk and surface crystallization

Mathias Gourdon, L. Olausson, Lennart Vamling
Tappi Journal. Vol. 10 (3), p. 17-24
Journal article

Sodium Salt Scaling in Black Liquor Evaporators - Pilot Plant Results and Industrial Significance

Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling, U. Andersson et al
Journal of Pulp and Paper Science. Vol. 36 (3-4), p. 98-106
Journal article

The Effects of Flow Velocity on Crystallization Fouling in Falling Film Black Liquor Evaporators

Mathias Gourdon
Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning - 2011
Paper in proceeding

Crystallization in a pilot evaporator - Comparison between black liquor and black liquor model substances

Mathias Gourdon, L. Olausson, Lennart Vamling
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 25 (1), p. 21-30
Journal article

Nya forskningsrön om inkruster i svartlutsindunstare

Mathias Gourdon
ÅFs Industrikonferensen 2010 - Indunstning Gashantering Kausticering
Other conference contribution

Sodium Salt Scaling in Black Liquor Evaporators – Pilot Plant Results and Industrial Significance

Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling, Lars Olausson et al
Proceedings of International Chemical Recovery Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, March 29 – April 1 2010, s. 298-312. Vol. 2, p. 298-311
Paper in proceeding

Crystallization in a Pilot Evaporator: Aqueous Solutions of Na2CO3 and Na2SO4

Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling, U. Andersson et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 49 (5), p. 2401-2409
Journal article

Sodium Salt Scaling in Black Liquor Evaporators

Mathias Gourdon
Doctoral thesis

Scale formation and growth when evaporating black liquor with high carbonate to sulphate ratio

Mathias Gourdon, Daniel Strömblad, Lars Olausson et al
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 23 (2), p. 231-239
Journal article

Fouling Layer Growth in Black Liquor Falling Film Evaporation

Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling, Lars Olausson
Proceedings of the International Chemical Recovery Conference 2007, May 29-June 1, 2007, Quebec City, Canada , s. 473-477
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 5 research projects


Strategies to minimize fouling in black liquor evaporators

Erik Karlsson Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Anders Åkesjö Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Lennart Vamling Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Mathias Gourdon Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Swedish Energy Agency
Stora Enso AB

2 publications exist

Energy efficient falling-film evaporation through modified heating surfaces

Anders Åkesjö Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Mathias Gourdon Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Srdjan Sasic Fluid Dynamics
Lennart Vamling Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Swedish Energy Agency

5 publications exist

More efficient milk powder production through evaporation to very high solids content

Mathias Gourdon Industrial Energy Systems and Technologies
Swedish Energy Agency


Effektivare fallfilmsindunstare för massaindustrin och framtida bioraffinaderier

Mathias Gourdon Industrial Energy Systems and Technologies
Bo Rydin Foundation/SCA


Evaporation of milk

Mathias Gourdon Industrial Energy Systems and Technologies
Tetra Pak Cheese and Powder Systems, Inc.

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