Konstantina Iordanidou

Showing 4 publications


Unlocking the Potential of 2D WTe<sub>2</sub>/ZrS<sub>2</sub> van der Waals Heterostructures for Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors: Broken-Gap Band Alignment and Electric Field Effects

Konstantina Iordanidou, Samuel Lara Avila, Sergey Kubatkin et al
Chemistry of Materials. Vol. 36 (22), p. 11317-11325
Journal article

Electric Field and Strain Tuning of 2D Semiconductor van der Waals Heterostructures for Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors

Konstantina Iordanidou, Richa Mitra, Naveen Shetty et al
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Vol. 15 (1), p. 1762-1771
Journal article

Scalable Fabrication of Edge Contacts to 2D Materials: Implications for Quantum Resistance Metrology and 2D Electronics

Naveen Shetty, Hans He, Richa Mitra et al
ACS Applied Nano Materials. Vol. 6 (7), p. 6292-6298
Journal article

Two-dimensional MoTe2/SnSe2 van der Waals heterostructures for tunnel-FET applications

Konstantina Iordanidou, Julia Wiktor
Physical Review Materials. Vol. 6 (8)
Journal article

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