Konstantinos Konstantinou

Doctoral Student at Applied Mathematics and Statistics
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Showing 6 publications


Discussion of the Paper “Marked Spatial Point Processes: Current State and Extensions to Point Processes on Linear Networks”

Ottmar Cronie, Julia Jansson, Konstantinos Konstantinou
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. Vol. 29
Journal article

Spatial analyses of nerve patterns and global testing approaches

Konstantinos Konstantinou
Doctoral thesis

Statistical modeling of diabetic neuropathy: Exploring the dynamics of nerve mortality

Konstantinos Konstantinou, Farnaz Ghorbanpour, Umberto Picchini et al
Statistics in Medicine. Vol. 42 (23), p. 4128-4146
Journal article

Pairwise interaction Markov model for 3D epidermal nerve fibre endings

Konstantinos Konstantinou, Aila Särkkä
Journal of Microscopy. Vol. 288 (1), p. 54-67
Journal article

Spatial modeling of epidermal nerve fiber patterns

Konstantinos Konstantinou, Aila Särkkä
Statistics in Medicine. Vol. 40 (29), p. 6479-6500
Journal article

3D modelling of epidermal nerve fiber patterns

Konstantinos Konstantinou
Licentiate thesis

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