Onur Kaya

Showing 9 publications


Learning from digital disturbance management in an integrated product development and production flow

Onur Kaya, Dag Henrik Bergsjö
International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management. Vol. 11 (4), p. 295-325
Journal article

Trends, observations and drivers for change in systems engineering design

Ola Isaksson, Ívar Örn Arnarsson, Dag Henrik Bergsjö et al
Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED. Vol. 3, p. 201-210
Paper in proceeding

Useful deviations for deviation management information systems: From pulse methodology to a generic description

Onur Kaya, Dag Henrik Bergsjö
2016 11th Systems of Systems Engineering Conference, SoSE 2016. Kongsberg, Norway, 12-16 June 2016
Paper in proceeding

Introducing digital pulse as a deviation management methodology for dental product development and production

Onur Kaya, Timo Kero, Dag Henrik Bergsjö
International Journal of Lean Enterprise Research. Vol. 1 (4), p. 351-372
Journal article

Global Project Management Using Digital Pulse Methodology

Onur Kaya, Amer Catic, Dag Henrik Bergsjö
International Association for Management of Technology
Paper in proceeding

Towards global deviation management in product development using pulse methodology: A case study

Onur Kaya, Daniel Stenholm, Amer Catic et al
Procedia Computer Science. Vol. 28, p. 265-274
Paper in proceeding

Exploring the possibilities of using image recognition technology to create a hybrid lean system for pulse methodology

Onur Kaya, Amer Catic, Dag Henrik Bergsjö
Procedia Computer Science. Vol. 28, p. 275-284
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Visualization and IT in product and production development

Dag Henrik Bergsjö Product Development
Daniel Stenholm Product Development
Onur Kaya Product Development
Staffan Olsson Product Development
Amer Catic Product Development

2 publications exist
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