Rakesh Koppram

Showing 23 publications


Toward a sustainable biorefinery using high-gravity technology

Charilaos Xiros, Mathias Janssen, Roberth Byström et al
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining. Vol. 11 (1), p. 15-27
Journal article

Multifeed simultaneous saccharification and fermentation enables high gravity submerged fermentation of lignocellulose.

Carl Johan Franzén, Ruifei Wang, Johan Westman et al
Recent Advances in Fermentation Technology (RAFT 11), Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA, November 8-11, 2015. Oral presentation.
Other conference contribution

Simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation for bioethanol production using corncobs at lab, PDU and demo scales

Rakesh Koppram, F. Nielsen, Eva Albers et al
Fuel production from non-food biomass: Corn stover, p. 155-179
Book chapter

Lignocellulosic ethanol production at high-gravity: Challenges and perspectives

Rakesh Koppram, Elia Tomas-Pejo, Charilaos Xiros et al
Trends in Biotechnology. Vol. 32 (1), p. 46-53
Review article

Novel process strategies lead towards efficient bioethanol production at high solid loadings

Rakesh Koppram, Charilaos Xiros, Ruifei Wang et al
Bioeconomy development in Sweden
Conference poster

Kinetic modeling of multi-feed simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation of pretreated birch to ethanol

Ruifei Wang, Rakesh Koppram, Lisbeth Olsson et al
Bioresource Technology. Vol. 172, p. 303-311
Journal article

Simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation for bioethanol production using corncobs at lab, PDU and demo scales

Rakesh Koppram, F. Nielsen, Eva Albers et al
Biotechnology for Biofuels. Vol. 6 (1)
Journal article

A novel process configuration of Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation for bioethanol production at high solid loadings

Rakesh Koppram, Ruifei Wang, Carl Johan Franzén et al
34th Symposium on Biotechnology for fuels and chemicals, April 30 – May 3, 2012, New Orleans, LA
Conference poster

Evolutionary engineering strategies to enhance tolerance of xylose utilizing recombinant yeast to inhibitors derived from spruce biomass

Rakesh Koppram, Eva Albers, Lisbeth Olsson
Biotechnology for Biofuels. Vol. 5, p. Art. no. 32-
Journal article

A novel process configuration of Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation for bioethanol production at high solid loadings

Rakesh Koppram, Ruifei Wang, Carl Johan Franzén et al
Advanced Biofuels in a Biorefinery Approach, February 28 - March 1, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference poster


Rakesh Koppram, Lisbeth Olsson
Science and Technology Day 2012, March 27, 2012, Göteborg, Sweden
Conference poster

Comparison of industrial xylose fermentation with yeast performed at different process scale

Eva Albers, Rakesh Koppram, Sune Wännström et al
13th International Congress on Yeasts, ICY 2012, August 26-30, Madison, USA
Conference poster

Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation with substrate, enzyme and yeast feed facilitate bioethanol production at high solids loadings

Rakesh Koppram, Lisbeth Olsson
From Human Health to Biosustainability - Future Challenges for Life Science at Chalmers, November 19, 2012, Göteborg, Sweden
Conference poster

Development of industrial yeast strains for efficient xylose fermentation in lignocellulosic material

Eva Albers, Rakesh Koppram, Noémie Harmand et al
13th International Congress on Yeasts, ICY 2012, August 26-30, Madison, USA
Conference poster

Second generation bioethanol production process at high substrate concentration

Rakesh Koppram, Lisbeth Olsson
Poster Exhibition, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, 12 April, 2011
Conference poster

Bioethanol production from lignocellulosic raw materials through high gravity fermentation

Rakesh Koppram, Lisbeth Olsson
Yeast Retreat, Tjärnö, Sweden, August 15-17, 2011
Other conference contribution

Industrial verification of pentose fermenting yeast

Lars Welin, Sune Wännström, Annika Lambert et al
Energimyndigheten, 2011, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference poster

A novel process configuration of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation for bioethanol production at high solid loadings

Rakesh Koppram, Carl Johan Franzén, Eva Albers et al
ISAF2011, 10-14 October 2011, Verona, Italy
Other conference contribution

Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation Performance of S. cerevisiae strains on spruce and bagasse slurries

Rakesh Koppram, Eva Albers, Lisbeth Olsson
4th Conference on Physiology of Yeast and Filamentous Fungi (PYFF4), 2010, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Conference poster

Physiological characterization of adapted S. cerevisiae strain in an anaerobic fermentation on spruce hydrolysate and in a SSF process on spruce slurry

Rakesh Koppram, Eva Albers, Lisbeth Olsson
4th Conference on Physiology of Yeast and Filamentous Fungi (PYFF4), Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Conference poster

Improvement by adaptive evolution of cellular properties of pentose-fermenting yeast for ethanol production from lignocellulosic material

Eva Albers, Rakesh Koppram, Lisbeth Olsson
4th Conference on Physiology of Yeast and Filamentous Fungi (PYFF4), Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Conference poster

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