Siddhartha Kumar

Showing 12 publications


The Capacity of Single-Server Weakly-Private Information Retrieval

Hsuan Yin Lin, Siddhartha Kumar, Eirik Rosnes et al
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory. Vol. 2 (1), p. 415-427
Journal article

Improved Private Information Retrieval for Coded Storage From Code Decomposition

H.-Y. Lin, Siddhartha Kumar, Eirik Rosnes et al
2019 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, ITW 2019, p. 729-733
Paper in proceeding

Private Information Retrieval in Wireless Coded Caching

Siddhartha Kumar, Alexandre Graell I Amat, Eirik Rosnes
IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC. Vol. 2019-July
Paper in proceeding

Weakly-Private Information Retrieval

H.-Y. Lin, Siddhartha Kumar, Eirik Rosnes et al
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings. Vol. 2019, p. 1257-1261
Paper in proceeding

Achieving Maximum Distance Separable Private Information Retrieval Capacity With Linear Codes

Siddhartha Kumar, Hsuan-Yin Lin, Eirik Rosnes et al
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Vol. 65 (7), p. 4243-4273
Journal article

Private Information Retrieval From a Cellular Network With Caching at the Edge

Siddhartha Kumar, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Eirik Rosnes et al
IEEE Transactions on Communications. Vol. 67 (7), p. 4900-4912
Journal article

Code Constructions for Distributed Storage With Low Repair Bandwidth and Low Repair Complexity

Siddhartha Kumar, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Iryna Andriyanova et al
IEEE Transactions on Communications. Vol. 66 (12), p. 5847-5860
Journal article

Asymmetry Helps: Improved Private Information Retrieval Protocols for Distributed Storage

Hsuan-Yin Lin, Siddhartha Kumar, Eirik Rosnes et al
2018 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, ITW 2018
Paper in proceeding

Local Reconstruction Codes: A Class of MDS-PIR Capacity-Achieving Codes

Siddhartha Kumar, Hsuan-Yin Lin, Eirik Rosnes et al
2018 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, ITW 2018
Paper in proceeding

An MDS-PIR Capacity-Achieving Protocol for Distributed Storage Using Non-MDS Linear Codes

Hsuan-Yin Lin, Siddhartha Kumar, Eirik Rosnes et al
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings. Vol. 2018-June, p. 966-970
Paper in proceeding

Private Information Retrieval in Distributed Storage Systems Using an Arbitrary Linear Code

Siddhartha Kumar, Eirik Rosnes, Alexandre Graell i Amat
IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings. Vol. 0, p. 1421-1425
Paper in proceeding

A Family of Erasure Correcting Codes with Low Repair Bandwidth and Low Repair Complexity

Siddhartha Kumar, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Iryna Andriyanova et al
Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM
Paper in proceeding

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