Laura Guerrero Orozco

Showing 6 publications


Microwave Imaging for Muscle Rupture Detection

Laura Guerrero Orozco
Doctoral thesis

Muscle Rupture Microwave Imaging with a Lossy Gel to Reduce Multipath Interference

Laura Guerrero Orozco, Lars Peterson, Andreas Fhager
17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2023
Paper in proceeding

Measurement quality of a software defined radio system for medical diagnostics

Xuezhi Zeng, Laura Guerrero Orozco
JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING-JOE. Vol. 2022 (12), p. 1162-1172
Journal article

Microwave Antenna System for Muscle Rupture Imaging with a Lossy Gel to Reduce Multipath Interference

Laura Guerrero Orozco, Lars Peterson, Andreas Fhager
Sensors. Vol. 22 (11)
Journal article

Phase calibration of a software defined radio system for medical applications

Xuezhi Zeng, Laura Guerrero Orozco, Andreas Fhager
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC. Vol. 2019-December, p. 1414-1416
Paper in proceeding

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