Lekshmi Murali Rani
Lekshmi is a doctoral student in the Interaction Design and Software Engineering Division (Department of Computer Science and Engineering) at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Her research lies at the intersection of Requirements Engineering, Behavioral Software Engineering, and Cognitive Psychology. She focuses on improving decision-making in software engineering by applying psychological theories to better understand human factors and cognitive processes in SE. Lekshmi has a diverse academic background in software engineering, business management, and organizational psychology. She brings 8 years of experience in both IT and Education sectors. As a researcher, she is passionate about interdisciplinary research in exploring the human aspects in software engineering, decision making processes and AI-human collaboration.
Research Areas: Behavioural Software Engineering , Human Aspects in Software Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Decision Making Process in SE, AI-Human Collaboration in SE.

Showing 5 publications
An Empirical Study on Decision-Making Aspects in Responsible Software Engineering for AI
Tailoring Full STEAM Ahead Empowerment: Creative Coding for 21st Century Girls
Live Coding and Power of Performing Arts
The Wicked Problem of Dropouts
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