Lina Lindahl

Showing 20 publications


The implementation of the substitution principle in European chemical legislation: a comparative analysis

Daniel Slunge, Mécia Miguel, Lina Lindahl et al
Environmental Sciences Europe. Vol. 35 (1)
Journal article

Alcohols enhance the rate of acetic acid diffusion in S. cerevisiae: biophysical mechanisms and implications for acetic acid tolerance

Lina Lindahl, Samuel Genheden, Fábio Luis Da Silva Faria Oliveira et al
Microbial Cell. Vol. 5 (1), p. 42-55
Journal article

Membrane engineering of S. cerevisiae targeting sphingolipid metabolism

Lina Lindahl, Aline X S Santos, Helén Olsson et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 7, p. 41868-
Journal article

Plasma membrane as a crucial player in acetic acid effect on yeast

Maurizio Bettiga, Lina Lindahl, Samuel Genheden et al
IMYA12- 12th International Meeting on Yeast Apoptosis, Bari, Italy • 14-18 May 2017
Other conference contribution

Sphingolipids contribute to acetic acid resistance in Zygosaccharomyces bailii

Lina Lindahl, Samuel Genheden, Leif A Eriksson et al
Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Vol. 113 (4), p. 744-753
Journal article

Membrane engineering for reduced acetic acid stress: insights from Zygosaccharomyces bailii

Lina Lindahl, Samuel Genheden, Leif A Eriksson et al
Oral presentation at 37th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals (SBFC), April 27-30 2015, San Diego, USA
Other conference contribution

Membrane engineering for reduced acetic acid stress: insights from Zygosaccharomyces bailii

Lina Lindahl, Aline X S Santos, Samuel Genheden et al
Oral presentation at 12th Yeast Lipid Conference, May 20-22 2015, Ghent, Belgium
Other conference contribution

Fundamental studies reveal membrane engineering as strain engineering target for enhanced robustness towards lignocellulose hydrolysate inhibitors.

Lina Lindberg, Maurizio Bettiga, Lisbeth Olsson
36th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, April 2-May 1st, Clearwater Beach, Florids, USA
Conference poster

Yeast physiology studies and metabolic engineering for enhanced robustness

Maurizio Bettiga, Magnus Ask, Lina Lindberg et al
Enzitec 2014- XI Seminário Brasileiro de Tecnologia Enzimática. Barra da Tijuca-Rio de Janeiro, April 14th to 16th, 2014
Other conference contribution

Sphingolipids: A potential key to acetic acid resistance in Zygosaccharomyces bailii

Lina Lindberg, Aline X.S. Santos, Howard Riezman et al
Biomembranes: Molecular Architecture, Dynamics and Function, Joint FEBS – EMBO Advanced Lecture Course
Conference poster

Robust S. cerevisiae strain for next generation bio-processes: concepts and case-studies

Maurizio Bettiga, Magnus Ask, Valeria Mapelli et al
Cell Factories and Biosustainability (Hilleroed, Denmark, May 5-8 2013)
Conference poster

Robust S. cerevisiae strain for next generation bio-processes: concepts and case-studies

Maurizio Bettiga, Magnus Ask, Valeria Mapelli et al
35th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals (Portland, OR. April 29-May 2, 2013)
Conference poster

Robust yeast strains as prerequisite for feasible biofuels production from renewable biomass resources

Maurizio Bettiga, Magnus Ask, Valeria Mapelli et al
FEMS-V congress of European Microbiologists
Other conference contribution

Molecular mechanisms behind acetic acid resistance: Insights from Zygosaccharomyces bailii

Lina Lindberg, Aline X.S. Santos, Howard Riezman et al
5th Conference on Physiology of Yeast and Filamentous Fungi (PYFF)
Conference poster

Investigation of weak organic acid tolerance mechanisms by lipidomic profiling of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zygosaccaromyces bailii

Lina Lindberg, Lisbeth Olsson, Maurizio Bettiga
Nordic Yeast Research Community Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden August 30 and 31, 2012
Conference poster

Investigation of weak organic acid tolerance mechanisms by lipidomic profiling of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Zygosaccaromyces bailii

Lina Lindberg, Lisbeth Olsson, Maurizio Bettiga
Life Science Engineering Area of Advance Conference. From Human health to Biosustainability – Future challenges for Life Science at Chalmers.Gothenburg, Sweden.November 19, 2012
Conference poster

Comparative lipidomic profiling of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to reveal lipid composition changes in the plasma membrane upon exposure to lignocellulose inhibitors

Lina Lindberg, Lisbeth Olsson, Maurizio Bettiga
2nd Eur. Symp. on Microbial Lipids: Diversity in Structure and Function, Bern, Switzerland, 16. - 19. May 2012
Conference poster

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Showing 1 research projects


Development of efficient xylose fermenting and acid-tolerant yeast strains - a crucial step towards commercial (scale) cellulose-based fuel production!

Lisbeth Olsson Industrial Biotechnology
Maurizio Bettiga Industrial Biotechnology
Cecilia Geijer Industrial Biotechnology
David Moreno Industrial Biotechnology
Lina Lindahl Industrial Biotechnology
Nicklas Bonander Industrial Biotechnology
Swedish Energy Agency
Taurus energy

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