Anders Trüschel
Anders Trüschel works with education, supervising and research regarding HVAC systems (Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning) – the systems that define the comfort and functionality of a building. As a former commercial consultant in the field, he has both national and international experience of working with these systems from an energy efficiency perspective. Anders has a special interest on design for controllability – how should the systems be designed in order to be as operable and energy efficient as possible?

Showing 30 publications
Energy Renovation Strategies for Office Buildings using Direct Ground Cooling Systems
Cooling of office buildings in cold climates using direct ground-coupled active chilled beams
Performance evaluation of a direct ground-coupled self-regulating active chilled beam system
Modelling of rooms with active chilled beams
Chilled water temperature control of self-regulating active chilled beams
Some aspects of controlling radiant and convective cooling systems
Dynamic Thermal Performance and Controllability of Fan Coil Systems
A thermal model of an active chilled beam
Heat source shifting in buildings supplied by district heating and exhaust air heat pump
Survey of radiator temperatures in buildings supplied by district heating
Induction ratio of active chilled beams - Measurement methods and influencing parameters
Energy efficient climate control in office buildings without giving up implementability
Alternative strategies for supply air temperature control in office buildings
CO2 sensors for occupancy estimations: Potential in building automation applications
Generation of Heating and Cooling
Hydronic Heating and Cooling Systems
Värmesystem med luftvärmare och radiatorer - Utformningens inverkan på systemets känslighet
Hydronic Heating Systems The Effect of Design on System Sensitivity
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Showing 5 research projects
Comparison of control strategies for heating systems in multifamily buildings based on measurements
Uppföljning av anläggningar med behovsstyrd ventilation, DCV
Self-Regulating Active Chilled Beams