Nuria Majaliwa

Showing 5 publications


Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) Probing on Interactions of Proteins With Phenolic Compounds in the East African Highland Banana Pulp at Different Stages of Banana Juice Extraction

Nuria Majaliwa, Oscar Kibazhoi, Marie Alminger
International journal of biochemistry research and review. Vol. 34 (2), p. 42-52
Journal article

Effect of cultivar and ripening on the polyphenol contents of East African highland bananas (Musa spp.)

Nuria Majaliwa, O. Kibazohi, Marie Alminger
International Food Research Journal. Vol. 28 (3), p. 479-488
Journal article

Proteomic potential of East African Highland Bananas (EAHBs) for banana juice extraction: comparison between juice-producing and cooking cultivars

Nuria Majaliwa, Oscar Kibazohi, Marie Alminger
CYTA - Journal of Food. Vol. 19 (1), p. 370-377
Journal article

Optimization of process parameters for mechanical extraction of banana juice using response surface methodology

Nuria Majaliwa, Oscar Kibazohi, Marie Alminger
Journal of Food Science and Technology. Vol. 56 (9), p. 4068-4075
Journal article

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