Martin E Sjödin
Showing 33 publications
Four-Dimensional Modulation Formats for Long-Haul Transmission
Long-Haul Transmission of PM-2PPM-QPSK at 42.8 Gbit/s
Experimental Demonstration of 128-SP-QAM in Uncompensated Long-Haul Transmission
Subset-Optimized Polarization-Multiplexed PSK for Fiber-Optic Communications
Frequency and polarization switched QPSK
Comparison of 128-SP-QAM and PM-16QAM in long-haul WDM transmission
Transmission of PM-QPSK and PS-QPSK with different fiber span lengths
Comparison of 128-SP-QAM with PM-16-QAM
Phase-Sensitive Amplified Optical Link Operating in the Nonlinear Transmission Regime
Fiber-Optic Systems with Coherent Detection and Four-Dimensional Modulation
Comparison of PS-QPSK and PM-QPSK at Different Data Rates in a 25 GHz-spaced WDM System
Measurement of the Phase Noise Tracking Capability of a Digital Coherent Receiver
Modified constant modulus algorithm for polarization-switched QPSK
Comparison of polarization-switched QPSK and polarization-multiplexed QPSK at 30 Gbit/s
CMA Misconvergence in Coherent Optical Communication for Signals Generated from a Single PRBS
Convergence Comparison of the CMA and ICA for Blind Polarization Demultiplexing
Future Directions to Realize Ultra-High Bit-Rate Transmission Systems
Cancellation of Nonlinear Phase Distortion in Self-Homodyne Coherent Systems
All-optical phase and amplitude regenerator for next-generation telecommunications systems
40-Gbaud 16-QAM transmitter using tandem IQ modulators with binary driving electronic signals
All-Optical Phase Regeneration of 40Gbit/s DPSK Signals in a Black‐Box Phase Sensitive Amplifier
OSNR Requirements for Self-Homodyne Coherent Systems
Self-Homodyne Coherent Systems using Advanced Modulation Formats
Operational Regime of Symbol-by-Symbol Phase Noise Estimation for POLMUX 16-QAM
Interleaved Polarization Division Multiplexing in Self-Homodyne Coherent WDM Systems
The Impact of Self-Phase Modulation on Digital Clock Recovery in Coherent Optical Communication
Cancellation of SPM in Self-Homodyne Coherent Systems
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