Martin Wallin
Martin Wallin is a Professor of Innovation Management and Head of Division at Entrepreneurship and Strategy, at Chalmers University of Technology. He is also an Associate Professor (PD) of Management at ETH Zurich, Switzerland and a Fellow at the Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology (IMIT). He has held visiting positions at Stanford University and the University of Luxembourg.
His research, teaching and advisory activities are in the field of strategic management and innovation, with a particular focus on challenges associated with open innovation and digitalization and the implications for business models and firm strategy. He has experience working with industrial firms and professional service organizations in Scandinavia, Continental Europe and the UK. His paper “Carrots and rainbows: Motivation and social practice in open source software development” (MIS Quarterly, 2012) was nominated as European Research Paper of the Year by CIOnet, the world’s largest community of IT executives.
Martin holds a PhD in Technology Management and a MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management from Chalmers and a Dr. habil in Management from ETH Zurich. He is a member of the Academy of Management and the Strategic Management Society as well as a founding member of the Center for Higher Ambition Leadership Europe and a co-organizer of the Born Global and Scale Global accelerator programs that target high potential startups in Sweden.

Showing 31 publications
Why and How Firms Implement Internal Crowdsourcing Platforms
Blinded by the person? Experimental evidence from idea evaluation
The Making of Convergence: Knowledge Reuse, Boundary Spanning, and the Formation of the ICT Industry
Getting AI Implementation Right: Insights from a Global Survey
Open data: Lost opportunity or unrealized potential?
How open is innovation? A retrospective and ideas forward
A problem in the making: How firms formulate sharable problems for open innovation contests
Strategies for business model innovation: How firms reel in migrating value
Public Policy for Academic Entrepreneurship: A Review and Critical Discussion
The barriers to recruiting and employing digital talent
The patent management trichotomy: Patenting, publishing, and secrecy
Offensive patent portfolio races
External knowledge and information technology: Implications for process innovation performance
Var ligger problemet ? Synen på sambandet mellan forskning och kommersialisering i Sverige
The bibliometric structure of spin-off literature
Var ligger problemet? Synen på sambandet mellan forskning och kommersialisering i Sverige
Internal venturing: sponsored corporate spin-offs in Sweden
Innovation outside: When spin-off firms and developer communities change the boundaries of the firm
Internal venturing: Sponsored corporate spin-offs on new stock markets in Sweden
Sponsored spin-offs, industrial growth and change
A man on the inside: Unlocking communities as complementary assets
Sponsored spin-offs, industrial growth and change.
Corporate venturing as a vehicle to increase renewal and performance: The Swedish experience
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Showing 5 research projects
Escaping digital paralysis: Methods for bridging digital innovation and digital transformation
Open entrepreneurship: a project on collaborative innovation between large and small firms The Challenges of AI for Sustainable and Innovative Corporate Governance