Maryam Lashgari

Showing 10 publications


Techno-economics of 5G transport deployments

Maryam Lashgari, Federico Tonini, Massimiliano Capacchione et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 12429
Paper in proceeding

Techno-economics of Fiber vs. Microwave for Mobile Transport Network Deployments [Invited]

Maryam Lashgari, Federico Tonini, Massimiliano Capacchione et al
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. Vol. 15 (7), p. C74-C87
Journal article

Designing and Operating Optical Transport Networks in 5G and Beyond Scenarios

Maryam Lashgari, Federico Tonini, Lena Wosinska et al
Photonic Networks and Devices in Proceedings Advanced Photonics Congress 2023 - Part of Advanced Photonics Congress 2023
Paper in proceeding

Fiber- vs. Microwave-based 5G Transport: a Total Cost of Ownership Analysis

Maryam Lashgari, Federico Tonini, Massimiliano Capacchione et al
European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC
Paper in proceeding

Virtual Networking for Lowering Cost of Ownership

Fatma Marzouk, Maryam Lashgari, João Paulo Barraca et al
Enabling 6G Mobile Networks, p. 331-369
Book chapter

Optimal QoS-Aware Allocation of Virtual Network Resources to Mixed Mobile-Optical Network Slices

Mohammad Hossein Keshavarz, Mohammad Hadi, Maryam Lashgari et al
Proceedings - IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM
Paper in proceeding

End-to-End Provisioning of Latency and Availability Constrained 5G Services

Maryam Lashgari, Lena Wosinska, Paolo Monti
IEEE Communications Letters. Vol. 25 (6), p. 1857-1861
Journal article

A Shared-Path Shared-Compute Planning Strategy for a Resilient Hybrid C-RAN

Maryam Lashgari, Lena Wosinska, Paolo Monti
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. Vol. 2019-July
Paper in proceeding

Cost Benefits of Centralizing Service Processing in 5G Network Infrastructures

Maryam Lashgari, Carlos Natalino Da Silva, Luis M. Contreras et al
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers. Vol. Part F138-ACPC 2019 (F138-ACPC 2019)
Paper in proceeding

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