Dinesh Mallipeddi

Showing 16 publications


Investigation of the surface integrity of mechano-chemically finished powder metallurgy gears

Dinesh Mallipeddi, Elias Forssbeck Nyrot, Martin Hansén et al
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 115, p. 142-147
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of subcooled MQL in cBN hard turning of powder-based Cr-Mo-V tool steel using simulations and experiments

Sampsa Laakso, Dinesh Mallipeddi, Peter Krajnik
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 118 (1-2), p. 511-531
Journal article

Comparison of machining performance of stainless steel 316L produced by selective laser melting and electron beam melting

Seyed Hosseini, Dinesh Mallipeddi, Jonas Holmberg et al
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 115, p. 72-77
Paper in proceeding

Post-processing of additively manufactured metallic alloys – A review

Amir Malakizadi, Dinesh Mallipeddi, Sasan Dadbakhsh et al
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. Vol. 179
Review article

Micropitting and microstructural evolution during gear testing -from initial cycles to failure

Dinesh Mallipeddi, Mats Norell, V. M.Subbaramaiah Naidu et al
Tribology International. Vol. 156
Journal article

Tribology of solid-lubricated liquid carbon dioxide assisted machining

Franci Pusavec, Luka Sterle, Mitjan Kalin et al
CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 69 (1), p. 69-72
Journal article

Surface integrity of machined electron beam melted Ti6Al4V alloy manufactured with different contour settings and heat treatment

Dinesh Mallipeddi, Tina Hajali, Lars-Erik Rännar et al
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 87 (20), p. 327-332
Paper in proceeding

The influence of single-channel liquid CO2 and MQL delivery on surface integrity in machining of Inconel 718

Luka Sterle, Dinesh Mallipeddi, Peter Krajnik et al
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 87, p. 164-169
Paper in proceeding

Effect of Running-In (Load and Speed) on Surface Characteristics of Honed Gears

Dinesh Mallipeddi, Mats Norell, M. Sosa et al
Tribology Transactions. Vol. 62 (3), p. 412-418
Journal article

The effect of manufacturing method and running-in load on the surface integrity of efficiency tested ground, honed and superfinished gears

Dinesh Mallipeddi, Mats Norell, M. Sosa et al
Tribology International. Vol. 131, p. 277-287
Journal article

Effect of shot peening on the residual stress and mechanical behaviour of low-temperature and high-temperature annealed martensitic gear steel 18CrNiMo7-6

R. Yang, X. Zhang, Dinesh Mallipeddi et al
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 219 (1), p. Art no: UNSP 012046-
Paper in proceeding

Effect of running-in - load and speed - on surface characteristics of honed gears

Dinesh Mallipeddi, Mats Norell, Mario Sosa et al
World Tribology Conference 2017
Other conference contribution

Influence of running-in on surface characteristics of efficiency tested ground gears

Dinesh Mallipeddi, Mats Norell, M. Sosa et al
Tribology International. Vol. 115, p. 45-58
Journal article

Stress distribution over gear teeth after grinding, running-in and efficiency testing

Dinesh Mallipeddi, Mats Norell, Mario Sosa et al
VDI-Berichte. Vol. 2, p. 973-984
Other conference contribution

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