Peter Modh

Showing 33 publications
Growth of dilute nitrides and 1.3 μm edge emitting lasers on GaAs by MBE
High Speed 1.3 μm VCSELs for FTTH and RoF
Single mode 1.3 μm InGaAs VCSELs for access network applications
MEMS-based VCSEL beam steering using replicated polymer diffractive lens
Downscaling optical biosensing system
Downscaling Optical Biosensing System
MEMS-based VCSEL beam steering using replicated polymer diffractive lens
Mode and polarization control in VCSELs using shallow surface structures
Transmission experiments using 1.3 µm single mode InGaAs VCSELs
Single Mode 1.28 um InGaAs VCSELs using an Inverted Surface Relief
2D laser beamsteering by integration of MEMS and diffractive optics
VCSELs for microwave fiber optic links
High speed, high temperature operation of 1.28 um singlemode InGaAs VCSELs
High power single mode VCSELs for emerging applications
WCDMA radio-over-fibre transmission experiment using singlemode VCSEL and multimode fibre
Linear Cascade VCSEL Arrays With High Differential Efficiency and Low Differential Resistance
2D VCSEL beam steering using MEMS and replicated diffractive micro-optics
2. High performance 1.28 mm GaInNAs Double Quantum Well lasers
Dynamic mode stability analysis of single-mode VCSELs using a shallow surface relief
1.3 µm InGaAs vertical cavity surface emitting lasers
High Frequency Modulation and Bandwidth Limitations of GaInNAs Double Quantum Well Lasers
Linear Cascade VCSEL Arrays With High Differential Efficiency
Dynamic mode stability analysis of surface relief VCSELs under strong RF modulation
Direct high-frequency modulation of VCSELs and applications to fibre optic RF and microwave links
Broadband direct modulation of VCSELs and applications in fiber optic RF links
Single fundamental mode output power exceeding 6 mW from VCSELs with a shallow surface relief
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Showing 2 research projects
Towards sub-nanometer feature sizes by high-resolution electronbeam litography