Per Bergman
Per is the Swedish APEX Project Scientist and is responsible for the Swedish observations with the APEX-telescope in Chile.

Showing 76 publications
SuperCAM CO(3-2) APEX survey at a 6 pc resolution in the Small Magellanic Clouds
Deep search for glycine conformers in Barnard 5
SEPIA345: a dual polarization 2SB cartridge receiver for APEX telescope: Design and Performance
Emission from HCN and CH3OH in comets Onsala 20-m observations and radiative transfer modelling
SEPIA345: a dual polarization 2SB cartridge receiver for APEX telescope: Design and Performance
(Sub)mm Observations of Evolved Stars
Spectral-line Survey of the Region of Massive Star Formation W51e1/e2 in the 4 mm Wavelength Range
The APEX Large CO Heterodyne Orion Legacy Survey (ALCOHOLS): I. Survey overview
SEPIA345: A 345 GHz dual polarization heterodyne receiver channel for SEPIA at the APEX telescope
HD 101584: circumstellar characteristics and evolutionary status
APEX Millimeter Observations of Methanol Emission Toward High-mass Star-forming Cores
SEPIA - A new single pixel receiver at the APEX telescope
First detection of methanol towards a post-AGB object, HD 101584
Class I methanol masers in low-mass star formation regions
G345.45+1.50: An expanding ring-like structure with massive star formation
A new 3 mm band receiver for the Onsala 20 m antenna
First 230? GHz VLBI fringes on 3C 279 using the APEX Telescope (Research Note)
Detailed Modelling of the Circumstellar Envelope of the S-type AGB Star W Aquilae
Detection of Cl line emission from the detached CO shell of the AGB star R Sculptoris
Detailed modelling of the circumstellar molecular line emission of the S-type AGB star W Aquilae
SiO masers from AGB stars in the vibrationally excited v=1, v=2, and v=3 states
Characterizing the chemical pathways for water formation - a deep search for hydrogen peroxide
The cradle of life and the SKA
First VLBA observations of 28SiO J=1-0, v=3 maser emission from AGB stars
Physical properties of outflows Comparing CO- and H2O-based parameters in Class 0 sources
SiO v=3 J=1-0 maser emission from AGB stars
Class I methanol masers in low-mass star-forming regions
Detection of the hydroperoxyl radical HO2 toward rho Ophiuchi A
Class I methanol masers in low-mass star formation regions
<sup>28</sup>SiO j=1-0, v=1, 2 & 3 maser emission from AGB stars
Multi-line detection of O2 toward rho Ophiuchi A
Production of interstellar hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on the surface of dust grains
Preliminary results on SiO v=3 J=1−0 maser emission from AGB stars
Detection of interstellar hydrogen peroxide
Deuterated formaldehyde in rho Ophiuchi A
X Herculis and TX Piscium: two cases of ISM interaction with stellar winds observed by Herschel
A Pilot Imaging Line Survey of RW LMi and IK Tau Using the Expanded Very Large Array
Observational tests of interstellar methanol formation
Herschel observations of the Herbig-Haro objects HH52-54
O(18)O and C(18)O observations of rho Ophiuchi A
Kuiper belts around nearby stars
VLA Observations of Class I Methanol Masers in the Region of Low-Mass Star Formation L1157
APEX: Five years of operations
Search for Class I methanol masers in low-mass star formation regions
Ground-state ammonia and water in absorption towards Sgr B2
APEX and ATCA observations of the southern hot core G327.3-0.6 and its environs
Observational constraints on the formation of interstellar methanol
A Swedish heterodyne facility instrument for the APEX telescope
Odin observations of the Galactic centre in the 118-GHz band. Upper limit to the 02 abundance
Molecular oxygen in the p Ophiuchi cloud
Class I methanol masers in regions of low-mass star formation
A search for pre-biotic molecules in hot cores
Modelling of Circumstellar H2O Line Emission from M-type AGB Stars
Methanol in the L1551 Circumbinary Torus
Revealling the environs of the remarkable southern hot core G327.3-0.6
APEX - The Atacama Pathfinder Experiment
Odin spectral line observations of Sgr A and Sgr B2 at submm wavelengths and in the 118-GHz band
A 0.8 mm heterodyne facility receiver for the APEX telescope
The detection of class I methanol masers towards regions of low-mass star formation
Odin * CO and 13CO J=5-4 mapping of Orion KL - a step towards accurate water abundances
Recent astroomy highlights from the Odin satellite
Large CO Ratio Variations in the NGC 2146
Odin water mapping in the Orion KL region
Molecular gas conditions in NGC 4945 and the Circinus galaxy
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