Peter Ljunglöf

Senior Lecturer at Functional Programming

Image of Peter Ljunglöf

Showing 18 publications


Flerspråkig konstruktikografi med hjälp av språkneutrala jämförelsebegrepp

Benjamin Lyngfelt, Maia Andréasson, Kristian Blensenius et al
Svenskans beskrivning. Förhandlingar vid trettioåttonde sammankomsten, del 1
Paper in proceeding

MoCCA: A Model of Comparative Concepts for Aligning Constructicons

Arthur Lorenzi, Peter Ljunglöf, Benjamin Lyngfelt et al
Proceedings of the 20th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation @LREC-COLING-2024, p. 93-98
Paper in proceeding

Binary indexes for optimising corpus queries

Peter Ljunglöf, Nicholas Smallbone, Mijo Thoresson et al
20th Conference on Natural Language Processing, KONVENS 2024 - Proceedings of the Conference, p. 149-158
Paper in proceeding

Learning Domain-Specific Grammars from a Small Number of Examples

Herbert Lange, Peter Ljunglöf
Studies in Computational Intelligence. Vol. 939, p. 105-138
Paper in proceeding

Towards computational resource grammars for runyankore and rukiga

David Bamutura, Peter Ljunglöf, Peter Nabende
LREC 2020 - 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Conference Proceedings, p. 2846-2854
Paper in proceeding

Learning domain-specific grammars from a small number of examples

Herbert Lange, Peter Ljunglöf
ICAART 2020 - Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 1, p. 422-430
Paper in proceeding

Towards a Resource Grammar for Runyankore and Rukiga

David Bamutura, Peter Ljunglöf
Other conference contribution

Fast Statistical Parsing with Parallel Multiple Context-Free Grammars

Krasimir Angelov, Peter Ljunglöf
EACL'14, 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Paper in proceeding

Enabling Interface Validation through Text Generation

Håkan Burden, Rogardt Heldal, Peter Ljunglöf
VALID 2013 The Fifth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle
Paper in proceeding

Opportunities for Agile Documentation Using Natural Language Generation

Håkan Burden, Rogardt Heldal, Peter Ljunglöf
ICSEA 2013 International Conference on Software Engineering Advances
Paper in proceeding

Multimodal grammar library

Peter Ljunglöf, Gabriel Amores, Robin Cooper et al

Software illustrating a unified approach to multimodality and multilinguality in the in-home domain

Stina Ericsson, Gabriel Amores, Björn Bringert et al

Enhanced multimodal grammar library

Peter Ljunglöf, Gabriel Amores, Håkan Burden et al

Parsing linear context-free rewriting systems

Peter Ljunglöf, Håkan Burden
IWPT'05, 9th International Workshop on Parsing Technologies
Paper in proceeding

Expressivity and Complexity of the Grammatical Framework

Peter Ljunglöf
Doctoral thesis

Formalizing the dialogue move engine

Peter Ljunglöf
Götalog Workshop on Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue
Paper in proceeding

Typed logical variables in Haskell

Koen Lindström Claessen, Peter Ljunglöf
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. Vol. 41 (1)
Journal article

Konstruktiv mängdteori

Peter Ljunglöf

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