Erik Per Perzon

Showing 23 publications


Alternating fluorene copolymer–fullerene blend solar cells

O Inganäs, F Zhang, X Wang et al
Organic Photovoltaics: Mechanisms, Materials, and Devices, p. 387-402
Book chapter

Influence of molecular weight and rheological behavior on electrospinning cellulose nanofibers from ionic liquids

Linda Härdelin, Erik Per Perzon, Bengt Hagström et al
Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Vol. 130 (4), p. 2303-2310
Journal article

Electrospinning of Enzymatically Treated Cellulose

Linda Härdelin, George E Anasontzis, Erik Per Perzon et al
243rd ACS National Meeting, 25-29 March 2012, San Diego, CA, USA
Conference poster

Electrospinning of cellulose nanofibers from ionic liquids: The effect of different cosolvents

Linda Härdelin, Johannes Thunberg, Erik Per Perzon et al
Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Vol. 125 (3), p. 1901-1909
Journal article

Enzymatic treatment of cellulose for electrospinning of nanofibers

Linda Härdelin, George E Anasontzis, Erik Per Perzon et al
Science and Technology Day, 27 March 2012, Göteborg, Sweden
Conference poster

Enzymatic treatment of cellulose for electrospinning

Linda Härdelin, George E Anasontzis, Erik Per Perzon et al
WWSC Workshop, 29 November - 1 December, Södertuna, Gnesta, Sweden,
Conference poster

Ultrafast conductivity in a low-band-gap polyphenylene and fullerene blend studied by terahertz spectroscopy

H. Nemec, H. K. Nienhuys, Erik Per Perzon et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 79 (24), p. 245326 (art no)-
Journal article

Synthesis, Characterization, and Devices of a Series of Alternating Copolymers for Solar Cells

Lars Johan Lindgren, Fengling Zhang, Mattias Andersson et al
Chemistry of Materials. Vol. 21 (15), p. 3491-3502
Journal article

Sub-picosecond time-dependent mobility in low-band-gap polyphenylene: Fullerene blend probed by terahertz spectroscopy

H. Nemec, Han Kwang Nienhuys, Erik Per Perzon et al
Conference on Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (QELS) - Technical Digest Series
Paper in proceeding

High photovoltage achieved in low band gap polymer solar cells by adjusting energy levels of a polymer with the LUMOs of fullerene derivatives

Fengling Zhang, Johan Bijleveld, Erik Per Perzon et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry. Vol. 18 (45), p. 5468-5474
Journal article

Low Band-Gap Conjugated Polymers for Plastic Solar Cells

Erik Per Perzon
Doctoral thesis

A conjugated polymer for near infrared optoelectronic applications

Erik Per Perzon, Fengling Zhang, Mattias Andersson et al
Advanced Materials. Vol. 19 (20), p. 3308-3311
Journal article

Red and near infrared polarized light emissions from polyfluorene copolymer based light emitting diodes

Abay Gadisa, Erik Per Perzon, Mats Andersson et al
Appl. Phys. Lett. FIELD Full Journal Title:Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 90 (11), p. 113510/1-113510/3
Journal article

Electrochemical and optical studies of the band gaps of alternating polyfluorene copolymers

Shimelis Admassie, Olle Inganaes, Wendimagegn Mammo et al
Synthetic Metals. Vol. 156 (7-8), p. 614-623
Journal article

An alternating low band-gap polyfluorene for optoelectronic devices

Erik Per Perzon, Xiangjun Wang, Shielis Admassie et al
Polymer. Vol. 47 (12), p. 4261-4268
Journal article

Polymer solar cells with low-bandgap polymers blended with C70-derivative give photocurrent at 1 mm

Xiangjun Wang, Erik Per Perzon, Wendimagegn Mammo et al
Thin Solid Films. Vol. 511-512, p. 576-580
Journal article

Stoichiometry dependence of charge transport in polymer/methanofullerene and polymer/C70 derivative based solar cells

Abay Gadisa, Xiangjun Wang, Shimelis Admassie et al
Organic Electronics. Vol. 7 (4), p. 195-204
Journal article

Polymer solar cells based on a low-bandgap fluorene copolymer and a fullerene derivative with photocurrent extended to 850 nm

Fengling Zhang, Erik Per Perzon, Xiangjun Wang et al
Advanced Functional Materials. Vol. 15 (5), p. 745-750
Journal article

High carrier mobility in low band gap polymer-based field-effect transistors

Miaoxiang Chen, Xavier Crispin, Erik Per Perzon et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 87 (25), p. 252105/1-252105/3
Journal article

Design, Synthesis and Properties of Low Band Gap Polyfluorenes for Photovoltaic Devices

Erik Per Perzon, Xiangjun Wang, Fengling Zhang et al
Synthetic Metals. Vol. 154 (1-3), p. 53-56
Paper in proceeding

Enhanced photocurrent spectral response in low-bandgap polyfluorene and C70-derivative-based solar cells

Xiangjun Wang, Erik Per Perzon, Frederic Oswald et al
Advanced Functional Materials. Vol. 15 (10), p. 1665-1670
Journal article

Alternating fluorene copolymer-fullerene blend solar cells

Olle Inganaes, Fengling Zhang, Xiangjun Wang et al
Optical Science and Engineering. Vol. 99, p. 387-402
Journal article

Low band-gap polyfluorenes for plastic solar cells

Erik Per Perzon
Licentiate thesis

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