Erik Per Perzon
Visar 23 publikationer
Alternating fluorene copolymerfullerene blend solar cells
Electrospinning of Enzymatically Treated Cellulose
Electrospinning of cellulose nanofibers from ionic liquids: The effect of different cosolvents
Enzymatic treatment of cellulose for electrospinning of nanofibers
Enzymatic treatment of cellulose for electrospinning
Synthesis, Characterization, and Devices of a Series of Alternating Copolymers for Solar Cells
A conjugated polymer for near infrared optoelectronic applications
An alternating low band-gap polyfluorene for optoelectronic devices
Electrochemical and optical studies of the band gaps of alternating polyfluorene copolymers
Polymer solar cells with low-bandgap polymers blended with C70-derivative give photocurrent at 1 mm
Design, Synthesis and Properties of Low Band Gap Polyfluorenes for Photovoltaic Devices
High carrier mobility in low band gap polymer-based field-effect transistors
Alternating fluorene copolymer-fullerene blend solar cells
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