Julien Phother Simon

Showing 12 publications


High-Temperature corrosion of P91/T91, 304L, Sanicro 28 and Inconel 625 exposed at 600 °C under continuous KCl deposition

Julien Phother Simon, Imran Hanif, Torbjörn Jonsson et al
Fuel. Vol. 357
Journal article

A material degradation study of novel FeCrAl alloys, stainless steels and nickel base alloy in fluidized bed heat exchangers of a waste-fired CFB boiler

Hampus Lindmark, Julien Phother Simon, Maria Dolores Paz Olausson et al
Fuel. Vol. 338
Journal article

High temperature corrosion memory in a waste fired boiler – Influence of sulfur

Maria Dolores Paz Olausson, Julien Phother Simon, Sven Andersson et al
Waste Management. Vol. 130, p. 30-37
Journal article

The influence of a KCl-rich environment on the corrosion attack of 304 L: 3D FIB/SEM and TEM investigations

Julien Phother Simon, Imran Hanif, Jesper Liske et al
Corrosion Science. Vol. 183
Journal article

Continuous KCl addition in high temperature exposures of 304 L – A way to mimic a boiler environment

Julien Phother Simon, Torbjörn Jonsson, Jesper Liske
Corrosion Science. Vol. 167
Journal article

High Temperature Corrosion and Dioxin Abatement Using Sulfur Recirculation in a Waste-to-Energy Plant

Sven Andersson, Maria Dolores Paz Olausson, Julien Phother Simon et al
Detritus. Vol. 5 (Mars), p. 92-98
Journal article

KCl-induced corrosion of Ni-based alloys containing 35–45 wt% Cr

Yohanes C. Malede, Julien Phother Simon, Torbjörn Jonsson et al
Materials and Corrosion. Vol. 70 (8), p. 1486-1506
Journal article

High-Temperature Corrosion of HVAF-Sprayed Ni-Based Coatings for Boiler Applications

Johan Eklund, Julien Phother Simon, E. Sadeghi et al
Oxidation of Metals. Vol. 91 (5-6), p. 729-747
Journal article

Effect of water vapor on the oxidation behavior of HVAF-sprayed NiCr and NiCrAlY coatings

Esmaeil Sadeghimeresht, Johan Eklund, Julien Phother Simon et al
Materials and Corrosion - Werkstoffe und Korrosion. Vol. 69 (10), p. 1431-1440
Journal article

Oxidation behaviour of HVAF-sprayed NiCr coating in moisture-laden environment

E. Sadeahimeresht, Johan Eklund, Julien Phother Simon et al
Proceedings of the International Thermal Spray Conference. Vol. 2, p. 644-646
Paper in proceeding

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